Diversity in Action: 9 Standout Initiatives

Many companies claim to prioritize diversity and inclusion. However, true commitment goes beyond publishing trendy articles or making superficial changes. It involves the genuine planning and...

30 LGBTQ+ Individuals Breaking Barriers in Tech

In celebration of Pride Month, we are thrilled to spotlight 30 trailblazing LGBTQ+ individuals who are breaking barriers and making remarkable contributions to the tech industry . From innovative...

Carnegie Mellon Tepper School of Business Renews Partnership with WomenTech Network

WomenTech Network is proud to announce the renewal of its annual partnership with Carnegie Mellon University's Tepper School of Business. The collaboration will facilitate the development of impactful...

7 shocking stats on employee engagement in 2024

According to Gallup, we spend 81,396 hours of our lives working . Supposedly, the only activity we spend more time on is sleeping. If we dedicate so much of our lives to work, how is your work life...

The Power of Recognition: 5 Inspiring Award Stories of Women in Tech

The stories of women who break barriers in tech and lead with innovation serve as powerful inspirations. Their achievements not only pave the way for future generations but also highlight the...

Meet Top Women in Tech in Paris

Paris is home to some of the most influential women in tech. In this blog post, we introduce you to a few of these trailblazers who are leading the way in their respective fields. From steering major...

Asian & Pacific American Heritage Month: 30 Outstanding Women in Tech

May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, a time dedicated to celebrating the rich history and contributions of AAPI communities. During this month, it's essential to share the...

Women in Tech Global Awards Voices 2023: Winner Vidhi Chugh

Reflecting on My Journey Reflecting on your recognition as a Women in Tech Global Awards 2023 winner, could you describe your journey to this achievement in your specific award category? What does...

Women Who Code Shutdown: A Setback for Tech Industry Inclusion

Women Who Code (WWC), a leading organization devoted to supporting women in the technology sector, has announced its closure due to severe funding shortages. Who are Women Who Code: Facts and Figures...

Women in Tech Global Conference 2024 Highlights

We are thrilled to announce that the Women in Tech Global Conference 2024 has concluded with resounding success, having brought together an exceptional lineup of speakers online. We are grateful for...

Empowering Change: C-Level Wisdom on AI and Digital Transformation at Women in Tech 2024

Explore how immersive technology, AI, and digital transformation are shaping new paradigms in opportunity, productivity, and innovation, as discussed by top CTOs and CIOs panelists. When: April 23...