Discover the power of service design by Georgia Mantzana

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The Intersection of Customer Service, Customer Experience, and User Experience: An Introduction to Service Design

Meet the Expert: Georgia Amazona

Georgia Amazona, a renowned User Experience and Service Designer, takes us through her journey in the thousand-faceted design world. With her roots based in Athens, she has worked her way up to an authoritative role in a local living authority in London. A collaboration with tech partners Google, Amazon, and Vodafone, and volunteering across organizations, made her a pivotal figure in the industry, and today, she is based in Switzerland.

She has long been concerned with how digital forms driven by human-centered design can generate a differentiated experience for the public good. But what is service design? And why is it so vital? If you've been pondering these questions, let's find out the answers with Georgia.

What is Service Design?

Service design, though unconventionally recognized yet undervalued by businesses, operates at the intersection of customer service, customer experience, and user experience. It is all about creating an experience that is holistic and integral, addressing both customers and employees. It successfully utilizes design thinking and a human-centric design approach to solve problems.

Being a comprehensive and accessible way to tackle customer businesses and organizational challenges, service design holds immense potential. But why is it so important? Georgia provides five compelling reasons.

Importance of Service Design

  1. Address Quality and Productivity Gap: Organizations often focus more on designing tangible products than services. This trend creates a quality and productivity gap that service design can address. Service design thinks about the entire process, not just the front-end.
  2. Rising Customer Expectations: With the rapid progression of technology, consumers expect more. Service design takes into account these rising expectations, gearing services to meet and exceed consumer requirements.
  3. Building Brand Loyalty: By getting services right, service design plays a pivotal role in building brand loyalty. It shifts the focus from just selling products to providing stellar services as well.
  4. Humanizing Technology: Service design combines the best of both worlds. While technology can make services less flexible and somewhat confusing, service design improves and humanizes this experience, bridging the gap between consumers and providers.
  5. Aligning the Organization Around the Customer: Service design fosters a customer-centric approach, helping businesses align their strategies to customer requirements. This realignment sparks increased satisfaction and loyalty.

Service Design vs. UX

Georgia sets the two apart noting that where user experience focuses on perfecting screens, service design seeks to define design problems at the system or service level and capture perspectives of everyone within that system.

The Future of Service Design, as Georgia beautifully puts it, is not only about shaping digital experiences but building a global social and economic infrastructure that aligns with the needs of the future.

Remember, according to Georgia, "The best time to start thinking about service design was yesterday, but the next best time is now." Excited to jump on the service design bandwagon? It's time to plunge in.

Video Transcription

Hello, everyone. Uh My name is uh Georgia Amazona. I'm a user experience and service designer. I currently working for a living local um authority uh in London.Uh mainly focusing on a human center design and really bringing together a human digital uh physical interactions to create AAA differentiated experience uh for uh the public good. And I also collaborating with tech, tech partners including Google Vodafone and uh Amazon. I am um a speaker um and volunteer in across different organizations. Um And uh today, I would like to uh be sharing with you. I'm currently experiencing uh a brief issue with sharing my slides. So, if I'm unable to do that, um uh Right now, I will be sharing that later on uh with you. Uh So my journey started in Athens when I went to do uh my uh studies and then uh the journey took me on uh to London um And uh currently in um in uh I am based uh in uh Switzerland um uh where is uh my uh last stop for the time being. So, as a um a user experience designer, I spent really most or rather all of my time uh trying to perfect the screens I've been working on.

Um while that is an essential part of my job, I've always been eager to see more uh angles of a multidisciplinary approach to design with them that led me to explore more about service design. So service design has been around for about 25 years and has matured from a nice design principle uh to a more comprehensive uh accessible way to tackle customer businesses and organization challenges. Uh However, it still remains and very unrecognized and undervalued by most of the businesses.

So what is exactly um service design and I will try to explain it in the simple ways possible and really something that helped me also understand. So service design is the intersection of customers, service, customer experience and user experience. So in other words, it uh compromises of multiple um it comprises of multiple touch points and channels, uh each touch point, having its own strategy and UX and is it is designing and integrated parts and experiences of a whole system. So service design is designing an experience for from a service orientation. So if um you think about everything, how to deliver an experience that is incorporated for the user. So both for customer and the employee, the businesses and the systems are using design thinking and human certain design approach to solve the problems. Now, in terms of uh so what it is I have outlined five reasons that I I can help you really understand or convince you that a good user experience is incomplete with, without a good service design backing, backing it. So you can just, you can't just concentrate on the product. Uh You need to ask yourself this question why people hate going to banks? Is it because uh services are less productive or it is a cause uh more frustration to customers than products.

So organizations really spend a significant time designing um tangible products while services receive uh less design attention. So the days really when the product was at the center of attention uh with little value given to the pre and postal services, um that's no longer the case services comprise about 70 to 80% of economies of mature countries. And also its Omnichannel Web requires several departments in the back end um to function properly to deliver a good front end experience. So don't think just about the digital project, the front and think about the entire experience, the entire service that needs to be delivered behind the scenes in order uh to deliver a good experience to the customer. And that service design addresses this quality and productivity gap.

Number two, it increases uh in customer expectations. So the customer thinks that if they can do it, why can't you? So if another organization can deliver a good experience, then why can't your service deliver that? So consumers are expecting more as they uh value their own entitlements uh more than what the previous generations did. So market economies have really trained indi individuals to expect more and they no longer accept uh uh uh something a average number three is creating brand loyalty.

Uh One, a recurring problem that businesses face is lack of loyalty in a world really where employees and consumers are spoiled for choice companies need to invest in retention. So your application, your product is not the only thing that defined your brand services is key to loyalty and get getting services right in the first place goes really a long way in building a loyal customer base. So by adopting a service design focus, businesses can really kill birds with one stone. Number four is really the need for humanizing technology. So technology dehumanizes and can make things difficult and less flexible to navigate for customers. So service design really offers that tool, those tools to schedule and uh excuse me to improve and humanize technology. The impact of technology and digitalization has impacted almost every service uh sector and can change the established dynamics of that sector. So allowing new entrants to the market.

So a very good example is Amazon in retail um can help you really picture as to how the market operates and what are the needs uh for a a really humanizing technology, the potential for change in service. And the fact uh that we were primarily human delivered services are now uh important and also enabled by technology and has really driven that need for good service design, aligning the organization around the customer is critical. So service design again offers a perspective that enables an organization to realize uh business ambitions as well as to uh deal with both internal and external um challenges. So management really focuses in required to align departments, channel partners and stakeholders. But it is also very important to uh create a strong internal focus. And many organizations lose sight of the fact that it is extremely important for customers. Uh to really feel that the organization values them as much as they value uh delivering um uh uh uh value and uh uh money for the business now. Uh where really service design differs from UX is in the ability to define design problems at a level where an um of the entire system or a service and really capture perspectives of everyone within that service.

So by all uh such challenges presenting a huge opportunity for service designers, not to just say digital experiences, but to help build a global social and economic infrastructure that will fit the future. Thank you very much. So I will leave you in a note that the best time to start thinking about service design was yesterday, but the next best time is now. Thank you.