Women in Tech: 5 Positive Trends to Be Thankful For
    Thanksgiving 5 Positive Trends to Be Thankful for

    Gender diversity and equality are still big issues in the tech industry. While the proportion of working women in all sectors of employment has increased to 47% in the United States, the top five tech firms (Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft) have a workforce that is only 34.4% female.

    Some days it might seem like not much progress has been made and we still have a long way until we achieve gender equality. But amidst all of this, there are some positive changes across the tech industry worth reflecting on. And with Thanksgiving coming up, it's time to take stock of what we're grateful for and appreciate how far we've come as women in tech!

    5 Positive Women in Tech Trends

    1. Access to STEM education:

    Though girls still do not have the same opportunities as boys to complete and benefit from an education of their choice, 35% of STEM students in higher education globally are female. Also, more than 60% of Gen Z women started coding between the age of 16 – 21, which is a direct result of the rising number of opportunities for education.

    2. Powerful female role models:

    More and more female tech executives are breaking into the scene. They're hard-working, highly successful visionaries who lead teams and companies with real passion. The Tech industry can be challenging in terms of personal growth and development especially for women; as a result, the ones who make it to the top are nothing less than one-of-a-kind and talented. We all need role models we can look up to, who can inspire us.

    3. Organizations that empower and support women in tech:  

    Over the past years communities, where women can meet, think strategically, network, discuss the challenges and triumphs of their work and lift each other up, have been emerging. To give women a "seat at the table" in male-dominated industries and teams, organizations like WomenTech Network, Girls Who Code, Women in Technology International, and Society of Women Engineers (SWE) were founded.

    4. Support from top management:

    Women leaders are showing up as better people-focused leaders and stronger advocates for DEI. Senior-level women are twice as likely as men to devote significant time to DEI work that is not part of their formal job. Compared to the past years, companies provide stronger support by providing mentoring programs, women's groups, and leadership training so women can feel more comfortable advancing within the industry.

    5. Companies are adding more women to the C-suite:

    The proportion of firms with three or more women in their C-suite increased from 29% in 2015 to 44% in 2021 (McKinsey). Given the substantial role top executives play in establishing their firm's structure and culture, having even one woman in senior management can make a substantial difference.

    All of these are indicators that women are being encouraged to get started, continue their education, and succeed in the IT sector. It's further proof that things will change for the better.

    What are you grateful for as a woman in the tech industry? Share your thoughts, leave a comment!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    WomenTech Network Team 💜