Perl, originally developed in 1987 as a general-purpose Unix scripting language, is a dynamic, high-level, interpreted, and flexible programming language used extensively for a wide range of tasks such as system administration, web development, network programming, deployment and automation. Known for its capability to handle regular expressions and string manipulation tasks, it is often utilized for file handling and processing text data. Thus, possessing Perl as a tech skill can enhance a candidate's value, particularly in fields where data processing and automation are crucial.

A mastery in Perl can potentially be a powerful tool in a tech-professional’s skill set, but prerequisites to this mastery often involve a solid foundation in and understanding of certain other areas. A strong familiarity with basic concepts of programming is necessary, including knowledge of data types, variables, loops, conditions, and functions. A solid grounding in another high-level programming language such as Python, C, or Java can provide an excellent basis for understanding Perl's structure and syntax.

Furthermore, proficiency in Shell Scripting can also be beneficial as Perl was initially designed to manipulate text and make system management tasks quicker. Knowledge of Unix/Linux operating systems will be advantageous as Perl is heavily used for system administration in these OS systems.

Additionally, knowledge of Regular Expressions, a sequence of characters that forms a search pattern, will help those learning Perl as it's an essential part of the language. Understanding of CGI (Common Gateway Interface) can be valuable if you are going to use Perl for web development. Database knowledge, specifically SQL, is useful for managing data with Perl.

Perl is a versatile language, renowned for its flexibility and text processing capabilities. Proficiency in Perl can open opportunities for roles such as System administrator, Web Developer, Network Programmer, Data Analyst among others. It's favoured by businesses that value practical extraction and reporting, data manipulation, and operating system management.