A hard-worker, a dreamer and self-motivated. Set out to make a difference in the world with a passion for technology, youth, women empowerment and works currently as System Administrator. I got my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Networking from University of Monastir in Tunisia (ISIMa). In summer 2017 I was selected by Turkey mental HR as a participant in the language and culture camp program in Malaysia, an international scholarship exchange program that inspires student to learn more about project management, I have also participated in several national and international competition such as Business Creation & entrepreneurs, RoboLab and ACM Tunisian Collegiate Programming Contest, and I have given a public speaking at TedTalk (Trial) in Malaysia.
I was a member in Women leaders in technology – WolTech at Tunisia. Lastly, I have given a workshop about : “What I should learn in 2020 as first programming language?” In Womentech network
I was a member in Women leaders in technology – WolTech at Tunisia. Lastly, I have given a workshop about : “What I should learn in 2020 as first programming language?” In Womentech network