AmyJune Hineline Bio
As Kanopi's community ambassador, AmyJune keeps the team and communities connected to the open-source communities of both WordPress and Drupal. She trains, presents, volunteers, and collaborates at camps and conferences across North America. With a dual focus on both open-source community development and inclusivity, she is uniquely positioned to help individuals become more comfortable and confident as they contribute to their communities. She is a Drupal Core Mentor, empowering individuals to forge deep community connections that benefit the whole. As a self-described non-coder, AmyJune helps communities discover how they can contribute and belong in more ways than coding.
She brings tremendous community participation and leadership experience to open source communities organizing Florida DrupalCamp, BADCamp, Drupal Camp Asheville, DrupalCamp NYC, MidCamp, San Francisco Drupal Users Group, and WordCamp US. She works with the Drupal Community Working Group's Community Health team writing articles about community resources. Lowering the barriers to entry is her main passion, as she mentors new contributors and leads speaker diversity workshops.
Her ongoing experience as a hospice nurse keeps her in touch with the challenges faced by many end-users. In her continued efforts to make a difference, she helps organize A11yTalks, an online meetup where they invite folks on every month to talk about all things accessibility - one of the core components of building an inclusive web.