Session: Frenemies: Growth Mindset and Imposter Syndrome
A growth mindset lets us view all the paths on even ground, fearlessly and with a bigger picture in mind. Each path is littered with unknowns and embedded with challenges, and it’s a growth mindset that lets us tread forward courageously. No matter how confident we are in our next move, imposter syndrome is close by, whispering in our ear that we’re not good enough and not worthy. A growth mindset can keep imposter syndrome at bay, but it is imposter syndrome that can help us cultivate a stronger growth mindset.
Growing up I always felt like an imposter. Frequent moves brought new schools, countries, cultures, and languages. Change was my only constant. This perpetual flux and lack of belonging shaped my character and taught me valuable lessons; among them, how to cultivate a growth mindset to oppose the ever-present imposter syndrome. My experiences taught me to view changes not as obstacles to overcome, but as the landscape itself to be navigated with curiosity and openness.
Sharing my journey through life and career, I hope, will give you courage to take your next step, and inspire you to cultivate your own growth mindset. We all are capable of so much more than we allow ourselves to believe.
Martyna Shallenberg is a talented and fearless software engineering leader with a diverse background in science and technology. Undeterred by obstacles, welcoming both challenges and change, she has led engineering and implementation teams through high-pressure product deliveries and transformations.
Martyna was born in Poland and escaped communism with her parents to live as refugees in West Germany. In the US, Martyna received a BS in biotechnology and took a winding career path before landing in the male-dominated tech sector. This versatile background, which includes grassroots organizing and pirate encounters, allowed Martyna to develop and refine her leadership and mentorship techniques.