Why Is Diversity Important And How to Build An Inclusive Workplace


    Embracing and valuing employees with diverse backgrounds is essential for fostering a thriving and innovative workplace in the constantly evolving tech industry. This approach offers numerous advantages, including access to a broad spectrum of perspectives, ideas, and experiences that can drive innovation and effective problem-solving within companies. 

    However, diversity alone is not enough; inclusivity is the key to supporting a diverse workforce and fostering an environment where every individual feels welcome, respected, and valued. Inclusive workplaces go beyond just hiring a diverse workforce; they actively create an atmosphere of acceptance and belonging.  

    At WomenTech Network, we recognize the transformative power of diversity and inclusion in the tech industry. In this blog post,  we will delve into the significance of diversity in tech and provide actionable strategies for fostering inclusivity, discuss challenges, and share success stories. 

    Why Diversity Matters in Tech: 

    Diversity goes beyond race and gender – it encompasses a wide range of experiences, backgrounds, and perspectives. In the tech industry, where innovation is essential, having a diverse workforce can be a game-changer. Here's why: 

    Diverse teams bring together unique perspectives and experiences, leading to more innovative problem-solving and creative thinking. By embracing diversity, companies can tap into a wealth of ideas and approaches that may have otherwise been overlooked. 

    When teams consist of individuals with different backgrounds and viewpoints, they are more likely to consider a broader range of perspectives when making decisions. This diversity of thought leads to more well-rounded and informed choices. 

    Tech companies cater to a global customer base, and having a diverse workforce helps ensure that products and services resonate with a wide range of customers. By understanding diverse cultures and perspectives, companies can tailor their offerings to meet the needs of a diverse customer base. 

    Inclusive workplaces foster a sense of belonging and create an environment where employees feel valued and respected. This, in turn, leads to higher levels of employee engagement, satisfaction, and retention. 

    It is important to note that diverse teams not only bring different perspectives, but they also have the potential to generate more revenue. Studies have shown that companies with diverse workforces outperform their competitors and have higher financial returns. By embracing diversity, companies can tap into a broader customer base and gain a competitive edge in the market. 

    Building an Inclusive Workplace: Key Strategies 

    1. Foster Inclusive Leadership: Research by Deloitte found that inclusive leadership can lead to a 17% increase in team performance, a 20% increase in decision-making quality, and a 29% increase in collaboration. Thus, leaders who champion diversity and model inclusive behaviors can significantly boost team productivity, creativity, and overall performance. 

    2. Embed Inclusivity in Company Values: A study by Glassdoor suggests that 67% of job seekers consider diversity an important factor when considering companies and job offers. Therefore, incorporating clear inclusivity statements in your company values can significantly impact your talent acquisition process, attracting top talent and enhancing the diversity of your workforce. 

    3. Encourage Open Dialogue: According to a Gallup study, employees who feel their opinions are heard are 4.6 times more likely to feel empowered and perform their best work. Creating a culture of open dialogue and active listening fosters inclusivity, encourages diverse perspectives, and enhances team communication and problem-solving. 

    4. Establish Safe Spaces: A study published in the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology found that employees who feel safe and supported in their workplace are more likely to be engaged, productive, and committed to their organization. Creating safe spaces where employees can express themselves without fear of judgment or discrimination promotes a sense of belonging and psychological safety, leading to increased employee well-being and organizational success. 

    5. Form an Inclusion Task Force: The Boston Consulting Group reports that companies with above-average diversity on their management teams report innovation revenue that is 19% higher than that of companies with below-average leadership diversity. By forming an inclusion task force comprised of diverse individuals from different levels and departments, you can drive organizational change, identify and address biases, and foster a culture of inclusion throughout the company. 

    6. Recognize and Reward Diversity: A study by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) found that companies that implement D&I policies, including inclusive recognition programs, are more likely to see improved financial outcomes, increased innovation, and higher job satisfaction among employees. By recognizing and rewarding diversity, you reinforce the value of inclusion, motivate employees to contribute their unique perspectives, and create a positive and inclusive work environment. 

    7. Expand Your Company Calendar: Research by Aston University found that acknowledging and celebrating employees' cultural and religious events can lead to improved job satisfaction and team cohesion. By expanding your company calendar to include diverse cultural and religious observances, you demonstrate respect for your employees' backgrounds and create opportunities for cross-cultural understanding, collaboration, and celebration. 

    8. Promote Inclusive Language: The Harvard Business Review reports that inclusive language can help employees feel valued and included, reducing turnover rates and increasing job satisfaction. Additionally, gender-biased language like the words “hacker” or “ninja”, or simply the word "competitive" in job postings can discourage women from job applications and contribute to their underrepresentation in STEM fields.  

    9. Implement Diversity Training: According to the American Psychological Association, diversity training can be an effective tool in reducing biases and promoting inclusion within organizations. These programs educate employees about the value of diversity, increase cultural awareness, and equip them with the skills to interact effectively with people from diverse backgrounds. Regular diversity training sessions communicate the organization's commitment to diversity and inclusion, foster respect and understanding among team members, and contribute to a more inclusive workplace culture. 

    10. Promote Mentoring: As per a study by the Harvard Business Review, mentoring programs are instrumental in promoting diversity and inclusion. These initiatives not only provide career development opportunities for underrepresented groups but also cultivate a culture of inclusivity. They give individuals insights into different perspectives, foster cross-functional collaboration, and build a supportive community within the organization. By promoting these programs, businesses can ensure their diverse talent feels valued and supported, ultimately leading to improved retention and productivity. 

    Implementing Inclusive Practices: Actionable Tips and Examples 

    1. Conduct Diversity and Inclusion Training: Host regular training sessions to educate employees about the importance of diversity and inclusion. For instance, your organization could host a workshop led by a professional diversity consultant focusing on key topics like unconscious bias, stereotypes, and the importance of empathy and understanding in a diverse workplace. 

    2. Adopt a Zero-Tolerance Policy on Discrimination: Implement and enforce a strict policy against any form of discrimination or harassment. For example, your company could enforce a policy that strictly forbids derogatory comments, offensive jokes, or any behavior that demeans others based on their race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or any other protected characteristic. 

    3. Promote Diverse Hiring Practices: Encourage practices such as blind recruitment and diverse interview panels. Your organization could utilize software that anonymizes resumes, removing names and other identifying information, thereby reducing unconscious bias in the initial screening process. Include diverse members in your interview panel to minimize potential bias in the selection process. 

    4. Provide Mentorship Programs: Establish mentorship programs that support underrepresented employees. For example, connect new hires from underrepresented groups with senior staff members who can provide guidance, support and networking opportunities. 

    5. Measure and Track Progress: Regularly assess your diversity and inclusion efforts. Establish Diversity Metrics and Goals: Research shows that companies with clear diversity metrics are 21% more likely to outperform their peers in profitability. For instance, conduct annual surveys to assess employees' perceptions of inclusivity and diversity within the organization, and track the demographic makeup of your workforce and leadership team to gauge the effectiveness of your diversity initiatives. 

    6. Communicate Openly: Keep lines of communication open at all times. For example, set up regular town hall meetings where employees are encouraged to voice their thoughts, concerns, or suggestions regarding diversity and inclusion. Ensure leadership actively participates in these discussions, responding to feedback transparently and respectfully. 

    7. Implement Diverse Leadership Programs: Develop leadership programs specifically catering to employees from underrepresented groups. For instance, your organization could offer leadership training and development courses for women, people of color, and other marginalized groups to aid their professional growth and prepare them for leadership roles. 

    8. Create Employee Resource Groups (ERGs): Form employee resource groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, age, etc., to create a support system within the organization. For example, your company could establish an ERG for LGBTQ+ employees, providing them with a platform to connect, share experiences, and voice their concerns. These groups can also play an instrumental role in shaping company policies and practices surrounding diversity and inclusion. 

    Challenges and Obstacles in Implementing Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives 

    When striving for inclusivity and diversity in the workplace, organizations may encounter several potential challenges and obstacles.  

    Unconscious Bias is one of the most prevalent hurdles, as individuals may unintentionally favor those who resemble themselves in terms of background, appearance, or beliefs. This can inadvertently lead to unequal opportunities and a lack of diversity.  

    Resistance to Change is another common obstacle, as employees may resist new diversity initiatives due to fear or discomfort with changes in the established workplace culture. This resistance can slow down the progress of diversity and inclusion efforts. 

    Tokenism, or the practice of making only a symbolic effort to include underrepresented groups, is another challenge. It often results in a lack of real change and can lead to feelings of marginalization among those who are meant to benefit from these efforts. Implementing effective diversity and inclusion policies requires acknowledging and addressing these obstacles head-on. It's crucial to provide continuous training to raise awareness about unconscious bias, communicate clearly and consistently about the benefits of diversity, and ensure initiatives lead to substantive and meaningful change, rather than mere symbolic gestures. 

    Success Story: The Transformation of Johnson & Johnson's Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 

    Johnson & Johnson, a multinational corporation specializing in pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and consumer packaged goods, offers an illustrative example of effectively implementing diversity and inclusion initiatives. 

    Recognizing the challenges posed by unconscious bias, resistance to change, and tokenism, Johnson & Johnson launched a comprehensive approach to address these issues. The company implemented unconscious bias training sessions for their employees worldwide, aiming to minimize bias in decision-making processes and foster an inclusive workplace environment. To counter resistance to change, the company initiated open dialogues and workshops that highlighted the value of diversity and inclusion, helping employees embrace the changing culture. 

    To address tokenism, Johnson & Johnson focused on promoting substantive diversity at all levels. The company set up various Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) and offered leadership development programs for underrepresented groups. A structure was created to ensure that diversity targets were met, and progress was measured regularly. 

    As a result of these efforts, Johnson & Johnson saw a significant rise in its diversity figures. Women now hold 43% of management positions, and the company received a perfect score on the Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index for their LGBTQ+ inclusive policies. 

    This example demonstrates how commitment to diversity and inclusion, coupled with a proactive approach to overcoming obstacles, can lead to tangible changes in workplace culture and composition. Companies can learn from Johnson & Johnson's approach, adopting similar strategies to foster inclusivity and harness the benefits of a diverse workforce. 

    The Road to Inclusive Excellence: A Narrative on Microsoft's Transformational Journey in Diversity and Inclusion 

    One noteworthy example of successful diversity and inclusion initiatives comes from the multinational technology company, Microsoft. Under the leadership of CEO Satya Nadella, Microsoft underwent a significant cultural shift, placing a strategic focus on diversity and inclusion. The company implemented a range of initiatives, including mandatory unconscious bias training, the formation of ERGs, and leadership programs for underrepresented groups. As a result, Microsoft saw a significant increase in its diversity figures, with women making up 27.6% of the company's global workforce, as of 2020. Microsoft also introduced a system linking executive bonuses to diversity targets, demonstrating a clear commitment to inclusivity at all levels of the organization. The impact of these initiatives extended beyond workforce composition, contributing to a fresh, innovative mindset, and driving the company's continued success in the competitive tech industry. 

    Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion at WomenTech Network 

    At WomenTech Network, our commitment to fostering an inclusive environment and empowering women in technology is at the core of our mission. We actively work to promote equal representation through global events, networking opportunities, mentorship programs, and dedicated resources aimed at bridging the gender gap in tech. We firmly believe in the value of diverse perspectives and encourage the sharing of innovative ideas and experiences. 

    We at WomenTech Network take also immense pride in our international and intercultural team that spans multiple countries, races, and ages. This international and intercultural composition serves as a testament to the power of diversity and inclusion. We recognize our unique strength lies in this diversity and remain unwavering in our commitment to nurturing and enhancing this essential aspect of our organization. 


    Fostering diversity and inclusion in the workplace is vital for any organization striving for innovation, creativity, and sustainability in an increasingly multicultural and globalized world. Successful companies like Microsoft and Johnson & Johnson serve as tangible examples demonstrating that a committed, systematic approach to overcoming hurdles can yield significant improvements in workplace culture and composition. Organizations must acknowledge and tackle unconscious bias, resistance to change, and tokenism, while simultaneously implementing effective initiatives that foster substantive diversity. By doing so, companies can create an inclusive environment that truly harnesses the power and potential of a diverse workforce. The path to inclusivity and diversity in the workplace may be fraught with challenges, but the rewards are plentiful, fostering an environment of respect, collaboration, and innovation that drives long-term success. 

    Follow us on social media for more tips. If your company needs help with diversity hiring, get in touch.