Chief in Tech Book

Women's Power Guide to Becoming, Leading and Making an Impact

A handbook for leaders in tech aspiring to shatter the glass ceiling, pay it forward and transform the world. 

About the Author

Anna Radulovski, an award-winning tech trailblazer herself, brings years of firsthand experience, merging personal stories, valuable insights from interviews with global tech leaders and actionable strategies to empower and uplift fellow women in tech.

About the book: The Power Within You

This book is like a coffee chat with your personal board of advisors, all seasoned women who've been in your shoes.

Starting out strong, climbing the ranks, leading in the C-suite, and leaving a legacy—we've got you covered.

Real strategies, empowering stories, and straight-up advice. It's your guide to breaking barriers, challenging stereotypes, and soaring to the heights of your ambitions.

What You'll Discover

  • Real-life Stories: Gain insights from tech trailblazers like Ginni Rometty, Megan Smith, Sheryl Sandberg, and more.

  • Actionable Exercises: Equip yourself with tools, reflection prompts, and hands-on strategies.

  • Chapter Summaries: Key takeaways to consolidate your learning.

Special Features

  • Guest Contributions: Gain invaluable insights and firsthand advice from pioneering women who have shaped the tech industry.

  • Networking Opportunities: Connect on our exclusive platform and collaborate with tech professionals.

  • Interactive Features: Access templates, quizzes, and exclusive resources.

Further Support

  • Extended Resources: Explore a curated list of readings, notable tech organizations, and tailored resources.
  • Community Building: Be a part of our special online community, a space for readers to connect, discuss, and collaborate.

  • Infographics: Navigate complex topics with our concise visual aids.

The Chief in Tech book instills the vital realization that your journey isn't merely a pursuit of personal victories—it's an opportunity to redefine the contours of the tech landscape, fostering a more inclusive, diverse, and equitable environment.

"Chief in Tech" goes beyond being a handbook—it's a clarion call for every woman in tech to command fearlessly, create a ripple effect, and stir a revolution. It's time to answer the call and change the world. 

Sign up now and get notified about the book release.

Join the Chief in Tech Book Journey

Ways to become part of the journey
I represent a group or Employee Resource Group and we are interested in pledging a bulk pre-order of the book. This will be for distribution among our members or employees, contributing significantly to the campaign's success.
I can leverage my social media presence to increase the campaign's visibility by sharing and promoting it on my platforms.
My company would like to host an event at our office welcoming the Chief in Tech team for a presentation and meet and greet as an opportunity for our employees and network to engage directly with the authors and book topics.
I represent a tech company and want to provide software or service subscriptions as a reward, catering to the tech-savvy backers of the book.
am an established leader in the tech industry and wish to donate my time for one-on-one coaching sessions, offering guidance to aspiring tech professionals.
I am involved in organizing tech events (conferences, workshops, etc.) and would like to donate tickets to these events as rewards, offering learning and networking opportunities to backers.
I am an author in the tech/leadership field and want to contribute copies of my book to help backers expand their industry knowledge and understanding.
I create online courses and would like to offer access to these as rewards, providing valuable learning opportunities for the book’s backers.
As a consultant, I would like to donate my services (website audit, marketing strategy session, career coaching, etc.) to support the campaign.
I would like to offer unique experiences, such as behind-the-scenes tours or exclusive dinners with industry leaders, as a high-value reward for backers.
My company is interested in matching donations for a certain period or up to a specific amount to encourage more pledges and amplify fundraising efforts.
I have expertise in tech and leadership and would like to write guest blog posts or appear on podcasts to discuss and promote the book and campaign.
I can organize and host virtual events, such as webinars or live sessions, focusing on topics related to the book to draw more attention to the campaign.
As an experienced professional in the tech field, I wish to offer mentorship sessions or programs as rewards, providing career guidance to backers.
I commit to donating to the Foundation
I am an artist and wish to contribute artwork inspired by the themes of the book, offering unique and appealing rewards for backers.
My company is interested in becoming a sponsor for the "Chief in Tech" book. We would like to discuss sponsorship opportunities, which could include branding, co-marketing, and other collaborative possibilities.
Please provide more information about your planned contribution. This could include details like the type of merchandise for donations, specific topics for blogs or podcasts, preferred dates for virtual events or office hosting, themes for artwork, or any special features of the services you're offering. Your insights will help us tailor the campaign to better fit your contribution and maximize its impact.

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What Industry Leaders Are Saying

If you are a woman in tech or anyone who understands the value of tapping into this talent, join, follow, support, and amplify WomenTech Network.

Mariah Lichtenstern, Founding Partner at DiverseCity Ventures

I highly recommend joining WomenTech Network, a community that welcomes not only women but also allies. No matter what stage you are at in your journey towards learning, inclusion, or leadership, this network is the perfect place to be. With the rapid evolution of technology, it is crucial to learn how to navigate and lead through every change. WomenTech Network provides valuable resources and a supportive community to help you stay ahead of the curve. Join us today!

Suba Vaseduvan, Vice President at Meta

Inside Chief in Tech

  • Define Your Path: Learn how to carve out a unique career trajectory in tech that aligns with individual goals, skills, and passions.

  • Break Through Barriers: Overcome systemic challenges with tools and confidence designed for women in tech and beyond.

  • Leverage Network: Cultivate a powerful professional network for opportunities, mentorship, and unwavering support.

  • Master Leadership Skills: Dive deep into leadership essentials, from effective communication to strategic thinking.

  • Negotiate Powerfully: Equip yourself with negotiation tactics for fair compensation, key roles, and influential projects.

  • Promote Inclusion: Become a beacon of change, advocating for diversity and inclusivity in tech.

  • Create Lasting Impact: Pave the way for lasting change, leaving a mark both within and beyond leadership roles.

  • Plan for the Future: Strategize for career transitions, from climbing corporate ladders to entrepreneurial ventures.

  • Nurture Resilience: Build a resilient mindset, ready to face the rapid shifts of the tech world.

  • Balance Work-Life Integration: Seamlessly manage high-powered career demands while keeping personal life in harmony.

Empower Your Tech Journey. Be Part of the 'Chief in Tech' Movement.

Your Role in the Tech Revolution

The tech industry is at a pivotal moment, and you can be at the forefront of its transformation.

"CHIEF IN TECH" is more than just a book; it's a movement. Each chapter dives deep into vital topics, offering insights, strategies, and actionable steps. Through real-life anecdotes from successful women, including Anna Radulovski, readers will gain both context and inspiration.

Interactive exercises and reflection prompts ensure that every reader can take the concepts off the page and into their lives. We're aiming for more than just understanding—we want action.

Written in a conversational tone, this guide demystifies complex topics. Every section emanates positivity and empowerment, aiming to inspire and motivate. Whether you're a newcomer to tech or a seasoned leader, this book speaks to you. And for those championing diversity and inclusion? This is your playbook.

Anna Radulovski, as the driving force behind this project, will not only provide her insights but will also bring stories from other luminaries in tech, curating a diverse range of experiences.

"CHIEF IN TECH" will be available in print and digital formats when it is published worldwide by Wiley in 2025. It will also be promoted through the WomenTech Network and related platforms.

But the mission is clear and goes beyond the pages: empower women to shatter the glass ceiling, lead assertively, and make a lasting dent in tech. It's about forging a tech industry that stands as a beacon of inclusivity and equality.

Ready to join the revolution?

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Where ambition meets action, 'CHIEF IN TECH' is your guide to breaking barriers and leading with purpose.