Women Tech
fireside chat Sponsorship

Join 100 000 Women in Tech to Drive Change with Purpose and Impact.


Fireside Chat Sponsoring*

Logo on WomenTech Network Event Page

Sponsor Announcement at Fireside Chat

Social Media Shout Out

Access to WomenTech Community

Access to Video Library with

Keynotes, Sessions & Training

6x Fireside Chat Package*

Logo on WomenTech Network Event Pages

Sponsor Announcement at 6 Fireside Chats

Company Profile

Social Media Shout Out 

Access to WomenTech Community

Access to Video Library with

Keynotes, Sessions & Training

12x Fireside Chat Lead Partner*

Logo on WomenTech Network Event Pages

Sponsor Announcement at 12 Fireside Chats

Company Profile

Social Media Shout Out (Extended)

​​​​​​​Editorial Meeting & Strategy Briefing

Access to WomenTech Community

Access to Video Library with

Keynotes, Sessions & Training


*only 4 left in 2020


*only 1 left in 2020


*only 1 left in 2020

Network/Chapter Partner

Employer Branding, Brand Recognition, Thought Leadership & Developer Relations
Access to database of opt-in candidates, exclusive info session to present your company & job postings on our job board.

starting from 292$ per month, billed annually

Company Donate a Membership

Access to WomenTech Community, Access to Recorded Keynotes, Sessions & Training, Supporter Certificate

How To:

Press "Donate a Ticket" below and follow the prompts. Once the checkout process is completed you will receiveA a confirmation and you have donated a yearly membership worth 99$ to an incredibly deserving individual!  


Why Do We Need Help & Support? 


WomenTech Network relies on the support of the community to achieve our mission and unite 100 000 women in tech. To enable FREE access to our communities from 181 countries across the world we rely on your support. 


Sharing is caring:

Donate a membership to share this amazing experience with one incredibly deserving person. If you buy a $35 supporter ticket your receive a supporter certificate and one membership which we will donate to people who need support and inspiration the most, like emergency personnel, students, teachers and front-line essential workers.


How To:

Select "Donate a Membership" Once you are ready to check-out follow the prompts to complete the purchase. You are all set! You will receive a supporter certificate and donated a WomenTech Yearly Membership to an incredibly deserving individual!