Application of UX Design in a Developers World

Automatic Summary

Insights Into UX Design for Software Developers

Hello, my name is Brown Aime, and today, I'll be presenting on how to integrate UX Design in the everyday developer world. We're discussing how you can apply new approaches to design and enhance your software development process effortlessly. Key to this is understanding that software isn't just code - it's also design. After all, what’s the use of advanced functionality if your users don’t enjoy or understand the interface?

The Significance of UX Design

Firstly, it's crucial to realize that design is fundamentally a plan. Ever since the ancient Romans built for perfection and user-friendly operation, we've realized the power of well-thought-out design. Today, as we incorporate these principles worldwide, we focus particularly on User Experience (UX) Design.

In UX design, priority is given to the end-user’s experience. A poorly designed system, however sophisticated, is likely to fall flat if its users find it difficult or unpleasant to use. Indeed, a truly perfect design is one where there's nothing left to take away.

Nailing The Art of Software Design

When it comes to software design, the process entails creating an artifact to accomplish specific goals. Therefore, as a software developer, understand that your goals must align with the design you intend to implement. This alignment ensures that your design comes alive, and your users can intuitively interact with your software.

So, how do you make this transition? Think like a UX designer. Develop a keen eye for design. And once you visualize a concept, get it down on paper first before coding. This approach allows you to see the bigger picture and ensure that all elements work together seamlessly before moving to the development stage.

The Software Developer's Recipe for Success

Think of this process as a developer's recipe. The main ingredients would include the following:

  • Usefulness.
  • Durability.
  • Artistic perspective.

By addressing these aspects, you'll create software that is user-friendly, stands the test of time, and is aesthetically pleasing. Essentially, you'll be building like a UX designer.

Working with UX Designers

Working with UX designers isn't only about understanding their role. It's also about incorporating their insights, their approach to design, and how they foresee the development of the project.

Consider the before, during, and after stages of your design process. What experience do you want to offer users during each stage? Always focus on the future. What is the future potential of your project?

The Key Takeaways

To successfully merge development and design, always revisit your concepts. Ask questions, receive feedback, and don't be afraid to make necessary adjustments. Remember, there’s always room for improvement!

That's about all the time we have for now. My name is Brown Aime, feel free to reach out via email at [email protected] or connect with me on LinkedIn under the name Linus Emma Brown.

Thank you for your time, and happy designing!

Video Transcription

Good morning, everyone. Hello, my name is Brown Aime. I'll be presenting on UX design in the deve developer world.How to apply your new design, how to as a developer as um design, walking in a developer world, you will like to apply the design into the system that you won't even have any issues. When are asking you, what kind of um what kind of software did you build? But if you can see just you can, if you can see your bill to work your project as uh in the design, he you will not have issues building anything for anybody anywhere in the world. So first and foremost, I from um this screen um so, so that I'll be able to talk better because I have, I think I have just 1512 minutes to shoot and finish up. So design is a plan like and it's um it's really, it's, it's, it's traced back to the ancient Romans where everything was built for perfection and for the users.

And we can also know that if you go to the romance world, all their, all their um design with you that we are even trying to incorporate now into our whole system anywhere in the world in Africa, Asia, anywhere anyway. And also we also know that um UX design, it's um a user experience design. If the user are not experiencing the design, if they are not finding it, I think you're not loving it. There's no way there's no way you can move from that, from one point to the other part of your work. And I'm, I'm not gonna be talking about U I designs now, just focus on the UX design, the user experience design and you know, um like the quotes that I always like to um use when I'm that the perfection and there is nothing to take away, you know, when you are doing your design and as a software, you know, we are always concentrating on building in um items um codes into um the design.

But before you can build in that code, why not think of the design that you want to work with? You know, you can work with a um let's say a UX design and you guys can develop something together but you have to be in perfection to that PP. They are trying to walk out and you ex UX have different um UX design, always build different kind of customers in large quantity, in large quality, depending on what you are trying to thinking um of the future of where you want your design to end up or where you want your um project to be.

So you all, you must always think of that first and foremost. And you know, you should also know the target customers, your clients when you're talking about your designs whatsoever. So when we are talking about designs, we have different types of design, but we'll be focusing on the software designs is actually the process by which an agent or a customer or a client creates a specification of a software artifact intended to accomplish goals. And you know, in designs, you must always your goals. As a software developer, you must always let your goals align with the design that you're trying to. If your goals does not align with the goals are the person, you will not be able to make the design come alive and people out there will not be able to um pick out the this is actually what you were trying to do. And you know, um like this picture I if in this session here, it's actually called when you look at it, you know, there are two pictures inside this design but but when you look at it as a and you'll be able to like ah I don't like this design, I want something better than this.

And as a software developer, if you add the eye of a UX, and you know, some people actually have a very good for a very good eye for design. So by the time you look at it and you're like, OK, I can actually code something to be like this, you can actually build it but it has to be Ovux design. No six UX. Yes fact process when teams used to create products that provide meaningful and relevant experience to users, this involves their process of aqui how do you integrate the product and the aspect of branding? It can also be this usability functionality. You can actually think of your design as a whatever of whatever project you are trying to build. And as a software developer, how do you like the design into code? By the time you see it, you know, first do it on paper, first code on paper first then transfer the codes into your um into your laptop. And before you know it be acting like design but but because you're not a new design, you're a software developer, you'll be creating amazing designs for people such that people be in hey of what you're actually doing and they will actually look out for you more than the other um developers.

So the developers, I like calling it developer recipe is like an ingredient where you're trying to make a cake, you know the usefulness. Why do you want to make it? Why do you want to build this project? Why do you want to use this particular design? You know the durability? Why do you actually want to make durable for the for the client or for the for your customers out, you know, you have to think like the UX person. Then how do you want the artistic of them? I, like I mentioned the romance, um, people in the olden days, the, what they were trying to build the, they say I'm standing the test of right now. There's no way you enter the ancient romance kingdom that, you know, like, ah, I love this, um, old, even its old because of the recipe they put in the plan, the progress, the um the functionality of everything that so think of what you know, that you can actually build, you know, the beginning is always the address, but you can actually actually check out something, write it down on paper first, build it out on paper first, you know, sit with a UX design so that by the time of you sit up together to make a particular project, you'll be thinking design and you'll be building like a UX design.

Now I'm going to be showing you some pictures where you can actually decode a UX designer if, if A U sees this the, this is um a combination of pictures. But for a developer, the developer might just pick just one picture and on that and build on that. But as a UX designer, you can actually think of how to put everything together and build on whatever you want to build depending on your usability, your durability of your D, which is the future terms of what are building for now. So like you see this ah um different pictures put together by a designer. But as a developer, if you are trying to build something that would be applying to the UX world, it it's gonna be different. So please think of this picture then now I have to use this um recipe. Well, when you are developing as a developer, are you thinking of before design must be put in place during the design? What's the experience? What is the experience you want the users through doing the design and design? What you think um you um clients or customers will be trying to buy from you. So what is the future of that uh of that project that you are trying to build? You must always think of that. First design is actually a broad stream of subjects. It's not limited to design, it's not limited to um software development and it's not also limited um architect or different, but we can see it in different stages.

Now, different department, different schools actually related roles that which exists in a range of departments in everywhere. And you must I say something that will catch your eye. And by that, you know, it's you are able to replicate that in design or even do something better than that.

So when you are thinking of designing in as a developer, think of it as a designer, think of the before the during the design. And after those three things must be put in place for you achieve what you want to do in your goals. Now, after all, what next check again, go back to the time table, check again. Keep on checking, ask questions, ask people, what do you need to do? Ask them. They will definitely tell you what you need to do. So I'll just be um I think I have like three minutes more. This is me. My name is Brown of Fun. And if you want to reach out to me, here is the link that you can actually reach out to me at um Lius Brown at gmail. Then you can also connect with me as Linus Emma Brown on linkedin. Thank you for your time. I let me check if I have questions so that we can actually talk about the questions, any questions that and to apply the design to the role of a developer? Good. I, like I said before, how to um apply the role of the design to the role of a developer? You think like them, by the time you see if you have a um a UX design, you can work with them, you know, by the time you, you, you you are working with them before you know it, you see different things that they are doing and you also see the the quality of their work, what they are trying to build out.

They go about starting the project and you relate it to you, to your home enroll to. Ok. So thank you. Thank you, Rebecca Mayer. Thank you, Ruta. Thank you everyone. I think my time is up so you can connect with me on linkedin. Take care. Bye.