Fullstack vs the rest

Video Transcription

Hi there everyone. I'm Mila Goba Lova. Today we will talk about web development. I'm really happy that I can today give you some insights about web development. It's a real cool field. I really love it.A huge shout out to women tech network and Anna Radulski, who gave me the possibility to, you know, talk about this topic today and I'm really happy and look forward to really um let you know this topic and really be sure that you know something about it and that maybe you want to learn something.

So let's get started a little bit about me. Who am I? I am a certified computer science operator. Um Currently, I'm working as a professional receptionist at the Free University of Bolzano. Um So I'm not really working in tech. Hi, Selena. Hi. So, but I'm currently a self taught web developer aiming to become a full stack in the European market. American market. It's independent. I just want a job in tech because I really love tech. It's something I'm really passionate about. So I really hope in the future to get a job in the tech field. Uh You can see here my Twitter handle and my linkedin profile. I posted it also in the chat. So feel free to connect with me. Feel free to follow me on Twitter. We'll be happy to connect and to collaborate with all of you come too far. So what is basically front and web development? Uh It refers to the client side of a page. So uh it's basically what the user sees at first when interacting with a web page, maybe if you're going to Facebook to Google, that's the front and side. That's the this I call it rather a design side because you really see it's the first impulse you have from a website. It's basically built every site with three main core technologies. HTML five cs S3 and javascript only javascript is a programming language.

The other two are not applied programming language. The first one is, it's html five, the five stands for the version, the currently version of it, it stands for hypertext markup language. It's a markup language used for structuring the web page. So for um putting down the first layer of the web page, when you're programming it, then you have the CS S Street that's, you know, like the style, you use it to, you know, like make things look pretty like um tables, like make headers and so on. It's basically stands for cascading style sheet that we, like I said for HTML is the version of it. It's a core technology used in the styling and format thing of web page. Like I said javascript, it's the only technology that is uh programming language. It's a dynamic programming language because you can um like program dynamic things on the web page, like making a image gallery or making maybe date and time that you know, like updates, you know, like um every day automatically with, without that you are interacting with it.

So it's basically an interactive language and it's used for web development and others for game development for other programming. Um for mobile development for backend, we'll see that later in the backend section. And like I said, it allows us to implement dynamic features on web pages.

So here you can see an example of html five the whole element, you know, when you like have a paragraph or for example, on H one for the header you have from H one to H six H one is the biggest one H six is the, you know, like the smaller one and you have the, the content inside what you put inside of it.

Here we have for example, a paragraph, it's called my paragraph. You know, maybe if we would show up this code on a web page, it will just appear in my paragraph and the three dots, we have an opening and closing tag, but not for every html element. Because there are html elements that are self closing, like the R text link, text image text and a few other ones. Um in HTML, we use mostly 100 text. Not so many, there are 100 50 if I'm not mistaken, but we use at least 100 of them here. I can see just some classes and the class, you know, it's going to make an element unique in the HTML. It's used basically to make an element unique for the styling purpose and also the ID, the idea is like in the databases, we will see that later. It's like you use it, especially for one element to make. Maybe if you have a paragraph that you want to design specifically for uh something that will stand out from the page, you have to use an ID. We have CS S3 um like with HTML five, you have a selector, that's the P selector for the paragraph. In this example, you have the curly braces and this is the property because I'm going to give it a property value. That's right. So in this case, our paragraph that we've seen in HTML will be red and this whole thing with the property and property value, it's called declaration and CS S3 um is a really powerful language.

We can make a lot of really, a lot of, you know, like um designing purpose and really make really cool sites that are just made with CS S. There is no need, you know, like to um work with, you know, like framework. And so on to make a really wonderful site. You can really just make really cool site um just with cs S and HTML and obviously javascript for the dynamic interaction, some javascript. OK. Here I will show you some really basic stuff. Uh A cons is a constant for it's another name for a variable. Uh A variable is basically a box where I can put something uh in this case, its title, OK? And I give this title, you know a content of javascript made easy. So this is a function console dot log and this function, if this function runs it will give me the title and the title will be javascript made easy because it's the content of the variable title. So it will give me in uh the console will give me this result. We can also um try uh you don't see the, you know the console on the web page, you see the console only if you go to the developer tools uh in Chrome and Mozilla, I can, I can show you that later if you want to.

And there you can see the console where you can test these kind of things. So we're moving on to backend development. Well, what is big backend development? Basically, it refers to the server site of an application. It's made basically of three parts a server, an application and a database. We can see it here. Uh We as users can see the backend work but the code, what's working in backend is that what communicates the the database information to the browser and gets back to us with the response. If we are just uh an example, if you are looking here in the browser, we write, I don't know youtube maybe. OK. We are going to search for youtube. It's going to make a request to the web server. Enter the database where uh you know, the information is located. Maybe, you know, you want a song. Um I don't know any kind of song. The song is going to, you know, like be popped out from the database, like chosen from the database goes back to the web server and then to the browser and it will show us the page with the result with the video.

In this case, the song here, then we can see the most used backend technologies, Java, php, Ruby, Python sql and javascript. Everyone has a different opinion about which languages are used in backend, but I've done a little research and these are the most used one. So um are there any questions? No? OK. So I'd like to use this image to represent, you know, like front end and back end because we as user uh see this. Um it's basically what we see uh like the beauty, the mermaid with the beautiful hair and so on and the backend because maybe it's a dinosaur, you know, like it's something I really like to uh to use to explain how front and backend are different from each other. So moving on to the most used technologies. So we have php, javascript and java uh php. It stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. It's a server site scripting language. Um which means we as client as user, we don't see, you know, uh the processing happening in the server, we receive only the output, like I said before with the song. So the processing is done by using the resources on the server before they are getting back to us to the client. So um basically, I said the javascript is um front and language. Yeah, it's basically both, it's uh also front end and back end.

It's part of uh development stock. So we use it on the both sides. Uh backend. Developers use a type of javascript called no Js. It's a library basically uh a framework allows a developer to handle data updates uh from the front end. Um and then build a scalable network that are uh that is possible, you know, like to build uh scalable network applications that are able to process you can process with this many simultaneous user requests among other things in the web in the back end side. So if one user is going to know like get one data from the database where that data is stored, you know, like uh youtube, youtube is accessed many times a day by a lot of people. So you need to have this javascript, this framework that handles the many requests this site receives during the day, during uh during all the you know, like working force that it has. So Java is a commonly used programming language for development, especially on the server side.

Well, it's also used, you know, like in game development in uh software development. So it's not only web specific language, it's used to create the web application that helps clients to interact with the server and access information. The so-called Java web application, it's used also to create the technologies behind this web application like the server API S basically, they um it's used to create basically API S we'll see later what API S are. So stay tuned. Basically here. We have the second part of the most used technologies we have Ruby. It's also a dynamically typed and object oriented programming language is mostly used for programming um web applications and it's the implementation of Ruby on rails. The development framework we will talk about later.

Python is an interpreted object oriented high level programming language with dynamic semantics. Um It's basically in web development, it's basically used to build server side web application because it's, you know, like it's executed on the server. Never on the front end. Always on the server.

We have SQL stands for uh standard query language. It's basically the language we use for dealing with relational databases. It allows us to access and manipulate data and perform functions such as insert data, search, data, updating the lesion deletion of database records. All this data handling stuff before we can talk about full stack. Web development. I want to explain to you what is a tech stack. So you understand the term full stack, what is the text stack is a combination of technologies we use to build and run an application or project. It typically consists here we can see of web pages, the web application, the access layer uh the connection, basically, it's the connection from the client to the server. That's the access link layer, the database where the data is stored and the server architecture, it's typically like I said, it consists of programming languages, frameworks, database front-end tools, backend tools and application connected via API S. So here we can see full stack web development uh as I said before, it refers to the both the front end and the back end. So here we have the front end, the client side.

We have our browser with the three main core technologies that are used to build web pages. And we also have user's phone because also uh user with phone access the internet. So we have the and the native application like a Google, Google Chrome and so on. Then we have the internet and we have the server side that's consisted of the server. And behind we have the framework, the language. In this case, we can just say Java script or Ruby for the back end. Then the database that will be sqo the web, web server and the operating system on the server handling all this functioning uh stack. What is an API API stands for application programming interface? It's it, it's basically a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other.

Uh I want to give you here an example of what it is because let's say you are at a restaurant. So, and you're ordering food. So the waiter, we are sitting at the table and the food is going to be prepared in the kitchen. So the waiter is our API because he communicates with me that I'm sitting at the table and with the kitchen and he delivers, I order to the kitchen, the kitchen then prepares it and the order gets back to me the meat, the, the food, the meal I've ordered. That's basically how an API works we have here, the application client. So if you're requesting, you know, like uh the youtube page, the API takes our request gets, gets to the server, the data source, then the server responds the um the site maybe youtube to the API and the API gets back to us with the, you know, like the page, the song we were searched for.

What is a framework is a platform or a software framework that provides a foundation from developing web application and website. It has a collection of libraries and modules that support the development process. So we're going to see a few one, I've chosen three. I've made an a research and these were the, the used one. There are a lot of others like view angular and so on. But I've chosen these three just to because they are more simple because they were complete framework. So let's just see them together. So the first one is Django, it's a high level framework it's developed with everything any developer would require. So it has a complete package, you don't need to install, you know, like third party uh Softwares or maintaining Softwares that are going to, you know, like uh maintain this software because it really has everything inside of it. Uh Like I said, everything in the frame of functions together. It is a deal for the development of large scale database driven interactive web applications like uh youtube like Facebook because they are really big one sites, you know, like really and OK, it's also highly customizable and scalable because you can really customize it to the needs you have if you want, you know, a specific function to have, maybe you want to, you know, like um how can I say you want to a specific group of users be maybe I'm not, I'm, I don't know, allowed to do something you are going to use Django because it's really usable and customizable.

In this um specific part, it has a really extensive community and documentation and it facilitates the best web development framework because it's easy to use and it's uh really, really customizable. Like I said, we have a lot of wealth. One of the best frameworks for web, for backend development, it has an excellent language construction uh because it has the capability to groups and effectiveness of its advanced toolbox. It has a lot of functions, you can implement a lot of stuff with lateral. I have not used it before. But in the future, I want to for a project I'm working on. So if you want to know which project you can connect with me and I will keep you updated about this. It would, I would love to share with you my insights and my project. Uh It's based on PHP language with expressive elegant syntax. It allows web developers to be flexible and creative while taking care of the background. Like unlike any other frameworks, it's really good because it's also easy to use and it has almost everything built in. Um Instead I wrote that lateral makes the process of upgrading fun and simple. The last one of the top three beckon framework is Ruby on rails. It's written obviously in the Ruby language and it's of course a server side web application framework.

It combines Ruby javascript, cs S and HTML to develop dynamic applications and it works on the convention over configuration principle that facilitates in making assumptions about what developers require to get the new web application started. So it has like a starter pack. This allows to ask developers to achieve more while writing fewer code. So basically, I've decided to talk about these three frameworks because they're really simple. You know, like really if you are on um you know, like a junior developer and you want to, you know, like um um you want like, you know, start backend, I mean, it's always good to learn front-end first because you can cannot just start with the backend. It will be too complicated first, have a good understanding of front end and then move on to the backend. But if I would like to choose to learn some of the frameworks, I will definitely start out with one of them. One of these because they are really uh built in simple, easy and fun and really to manage the site. When you create a site with them, it's really also really, really easy to manage. So let's move on to the what is React Js. It's basically a javascript library for building user interfaces. These are the main benefits of React Js. It has it has a virtual dom document object model manipulation. I will talk later about what that means. It has reusable components like the frameworks we talked about earlier. It's open source.

So you can modify the code, you can just, you know, yeah, like take the code and modify it if you need. What do you need, you know, like to do and it has built in developer tools, the updates are really easy to take. You don't, don't have to download, you know, like, um a lot of different third party software to update reacts because it's only one update and it's always up to date. Um And it's easy to use, of course, because for developers, if the things are easy to use, that's the, you know, like the best thing for us, we're moving on to bootstrap. So is uh what do you think bootstrap is, it's basically a collection of reusable bits of code written in html, CS S and javascript. And it's also a front and development framework because it has all these three technology put together. So it enables developers to quickly build fully responsive websites. Like um I can show you one example later. Um Let me just give you the main benefits of bootstrap. It's responsive, it's cro cross browser compatibility. That's sometimes not so easy to manage because I've developed once a site that was really hard to maintain, you know, like really because on Mozilla, it was in some kind, it was showing up in some kind of way in another was in the Google Chrome.

Was it showing in another way? So if you're developing with bootstrap, you're sure that it's really going to be cross browser compatible. So you wouldn't have to struggle with, you know, like design it for Mozilla, like design it for Google Chrome and so on. It's going to be really nice and smooth on every browser you choose to use for web development. It has a really short time development because it's like I said, easy to use. You have on the site on the boots website, you have, you know, like um a lot of prebuilt functions and uh prebuilt code that you can use for your project. So it's really good, it's flexible. Like I said, because you can really put it everywhere in a basic site in which side you want. And it has really a feature-rich core because it contains HTML and CS S so definitely check it out. I will uh show you the project later. Um Yeah, yeah, I wanted to talk about a little bit about my journey into web development, how it all started. So, uh last year, I was really, I always been passionate about tax. It's since I have, you know, like um computer science certification, but I really wanted a job in tech since I was a kid. Really. So I started last year my journey into web development with my she Codes workshop. It was a really cool site.

I found it out on youtube. They were sponsoring, you know, like this. Um She codes um you know, like she codes page and I said, mm, that could be interesting. They were given uh an hour of free coding camp and I said, yeah, sure. I want to try this out. Let's see if web development is something for me, something I want to, you know, like um um work in, in the next future. So I tried it out and I really was surprised because web development is really something cool. You can be creative, you can be, you know, like, um have your own um imagination of creating projects. You can be really um you can be everything you can create whatever you want. If you know the technologies, if you know, what will I use here, what will I use there? You're going to make amazing sites. What um what other resource I use? I use CTM Academy. Andre Yago is a awesome developer. I learned a lot from him. He is really um one of the best really, I can recommend the CTCT MA enough because he's really, really um a really good software engineer. Um So I then moved on to CTM Academy and I've done the full uh there is a complete web developer, boot camp, you can try it out, it's really good, you're going to build a lot of projects.

And there was the moment where I was really passionate about web development because I really got into it. And, you know, I really uh wanted to know more about, I wanted to go over to the full stack. So I then joined three House uh learned something from free code camp front and masters and educative dot IO In fact, I'm studying now, I'm continued to study now on these four platforms since I'm not uh a software engineer yet. I mean, I'm not really, you know, like really uh an expert in web development, but I'm going to uh continue my journey. I want to be a full stack developer and I hope that that the these uh four resources can help me out. Treehouse is surely one of the most used. It's a bit expensive, but I really like it because you're going to build nine project really. And you are going to know like um really get the understanding to what you do. So feel free. I I'm going to leave you the, the sites of this um uh of these uh companies. So you can definitely check them out if you want to know more about web development. So um yeah, free code camp is like the word said, it's free. You have basically um it's a coding environment with, you know, like text basically here. It says what you need to do and then you ha have the middle side where you have to do, you know, like the coding environment. So it's really interactive.

The same one is AUC AUC, it's uh read, it's um you don't have any videos there, you just have to read and then you have coding environment. So feel free to check that out too. And front and masters is a video based uh site where to learn front and web development also back end because there has a lot of, you know, like um backend um frameworks and API S. So feel free to check them out. I will give you the link, they have a free boot camp. If you'd like to join the boot camp, you can, it's absolutely free. You just have to log in with email and password and it's uh you will have 21 plus hours of coding of html, CS S and javascript. So the three main core technologies for front end, so definitely check that out. I must say I've also used plural site and Udemy, but I wasn't really, you know, like, um happy with them because I mean plural site. Yeah, it's a great platform to learn to learn. Don't get me wrong. But um most of the stuff was quite outdated. So I wasn't really, you know, like uh happy with that because in web development, you need to learn the latest technologies because if you're going to learn something old, that's not good, that's not good because you're going to, to program with all things with old, you know, like um stuff and text and, and functions and you need to be up to date in front and development in web development in general.

So Udemy was really good because I found that I find some courses of cold sys boot camp. I also found Andre there and I found also another guy that I've chosen a course from are always web development. So Udemy is really good. Uh You have to check that out. But if you want, you know, like uh a class field, you know, like where you like uh have schedules and projects definitely check out, check out treehouse. It's really good. I can only recommend it here. You can find the sites um I mentioned before. So Team Treehouse uh educative dot A U and front masters. Uh This is Andres Blog where you can find a lot of information about uh web development. The newest technologies, you know, like the newest technologies in web development in Python and also machine learning CS S trick is a very good site for CS S. There is, you know, like support, you find support, you find uh the syntax, the CS S syntax if you have trouble when programming your pages. So it's really good, definitely check it out. And I have also put a developer community here. Um You have to, you know, if you're a web developer, you need in some way, stay up to date. So this developer community, it's really good because you're getting also resources, you're getting coding snippets, you really get a lot of stuff and you're up to date.

So you can really enjoy, you know, like this um this uh profession to be a web developer. And I really love it. I mean, um sure I will send you the links uh the slide. I will reach out to the woman tech community and send you the slides if that's OK for you. And yeah, I just want really to thank you so much for joining me today. You can um get in touch with me like I said on Twitter and linkedin. If you have questions, I will be very happy to answer them. I'm going to give you the link for the boot camp if you want. Uh This is the boot camp. I was talking to you about, it's the free boot camp from front and masters. You have uh 21 plus hours of um HTML, tss and javascript. So definitely check it out. I'm going to put it, put the link here in the chat so you, you can definitely um uh about the slides. I'm going to send you the slides. No problem. I'm going to reach out to the woman tech community and share with all of you the slides and yeah, if you have other questions, just let me know in the chat. We have nine minutes to go. So I will be happy to answer anything. What would you, what would I say? OK. If you would like to advise a young girl who wants to start her career, what would I say? Well, I would like to say, start with front end. Don't start with backend.

Don't start with, you know, like um frameworks api start with front end, start with HTML and CS s and um I will definitely check out some of the sites sites I mentioned, I'm going to also give you the sites. Um So just a sec. Well, if I'm going to share with you the presentation, I will give you the slides. So uh you can just click on them. So I will definitely reach out to the community to ask about the slides. And yeah, what I would recommend to you, I would definitely recommend you uh you know, like uh I'm sorry, I just got interrupted. Uh because I read the question, I will definitely uh recommend to you to start with a treehouse if you want to, you know, like uh begin the web development career because they have great resources for beginner from that. Uh You can do, you know the boot camp I mentioned, but don't start with front and masters, you know, like the real course because they are not going so deep into the beginner basics, the basic html and so on. So um definitely check out treehouse, definitely check out educative dot A U if you want to start your journey into web development. OK. Uh Selena says, do you think php is so popular and the good back language? Some sources say that php is slowing, slowly dying.

Yeah, I know about that. Um I wasn't either sure or which I should put that in the into the presentation or not, but I decide to because we should know that PHP was a really good back language. And um I think it's uh like you said, Selena, it's not um really popular anymore. They are focusing, you know, like on um backend is focusing on Python on the frameworks on the javascript backend. So Python is really slowly dying. In fact, I um I'm on my way to full web development. So definitely I would not invest my time so much into php. I will try to learn it, you know, like the, the syntax to know but not get into too deep because I want to learn the newest technologies that are basically javascript frameworks, uh Python and so on. I wouldn't focus so much on php though, but I wanted to mention it because it was a great backend language. So can you recommend to start with full stack or it is better to start by, by focusing on front end? Oh Yeah. Oh That's the question. Yeah, sure. You have to start with front end because um it's not possible, you know, like to start with a backend because back end it's too difficult or, or with full stack.

I aimed to be a full stack at the beginning and it was really frustrating because you have to learn, you know, like a lot of languages start with front end, start with HTML, cs S and javascript. And then you can uh you know, like um move on to backend and then full stack basically full stack is the two things, front end and back end together. So you have to start with front end. Can you tell again about tack in brief? I missed it out. Thank you. Sure. So a text stack, what is a text stack? Uh I'm going to show you the slides just to help you out just to make it bigger so that I can help you out. Basically, the tech stack is a combination of the technologies we u we use basically um a combination of front end and back end. That is what's going to make, you know, like the full stack, the the complete stack that the front end and the backend. In fact, here in the, in the slide, we have everything, we have the front end and we have the back end with the server architecture. Um just, you know, like from the data access layer to the server that's backend, web pages and web application that's still front. So it consists like I said of programming languages, framework database. It's at the server side, it's consists basically of, you know, like um front and tools.

So the three main main technologies, html javascript and CS S and at the back end, uh it's consisted of frameworks, um javascript server side language SQL and so on. I hope as Aicha that answers your question. Hope in case, let me know what, happy to, you know, like um talk more about it. No, if you know, well, you know, like um if you know Django, you're not the full tech developer, Alicia because you need to know like also um SQL you know, the database part and a bit of the server arch architect architecture. I'm sorry, my English isn't too good. Um So no, I'm sorry, you're not a fool. Uh full stack developer, you will need to learn a bit more maybe. Um you have, you know, like you have a framework jungle but uh you're not a full stack because you need to more to know at least um you know, like a javascript back. But if you know back uh maybe some API and um you know, like the SQL language because you need to know how the server access the database and how the response gets back, you know, like to the client, it's full stack and text stack the same thing.

Yeah, basically. Yeah, Saniha, it's the same thing because it's a de stack, you know, like you have uh it's a stack basically, you, you have front end and back end together. So basically stack, it's called full stack. So you have the full stands for front end and back end. So full stack and text stack. I mean, the text stack um for web development, it's the same thing. Yeah. Uh diva what are the basic skills that choose someone from a process to get into web? Well, you know, I mean, all the stuff you learn in CS degree. Uh It's a degree in computer science. Use we to run the basics. Would you suggest any online degree program? Uh. Mm. Well, I don't have any, you know, like computer science degree. I am only a computer science operator so I haven't, you know, like, seen and gone to any university. So, um, I will definitely recommend, you know, like starting with front end development, like I said to Samiha and I would, you know, like um not focus too much, you know, like on uh algorithms and so on. Maybe that if you, you know, like if you've gone to a university and if you learn it at the university, that's fine.

But for front and you don't need to know, you know, like uh algorithms and so on, you just need to know um basic math math and that's it because for javascript, HTML and cs S, you don't have to, you know, like um no algorithms. If you want to go over to the back end and to the full stack, I would uh recommend, you know, uh some courses but an online degree program. No, I wouldn't recommend that. Alicia, I don't think so. How do I learn some architecture? I didn't know SQL actually. Well, if you know SQL actually and you have also Django Foundation HTML, cs S and javascript, then you are a full stack developer. If you have the basic know knowledge of this, you surely are uh I think we run out of time guys. It's has come to an end. Um I would love to, you know, like, um answer all the questions, feel free to, you know, like contact me on linkedin. I would happy to answer all of the questions um If you want to stay in touch, uh you know, like and um and thank you for your attention. It was a pleasure for me to talk about it. I'm sorry if I that I didn't answer, you know, like all the questions hope you enjoy your conference and I will see you maybe another time and please, if you want to stay in touch with me, I'll link it in on Twitter and thank you so much.

Bye guys. Have a nice day. Bye.