Vue.js is a highly efficient, progressive JavaScript framework that is employed for building user interfaces. In comparison to other monolithic frameworks, Vue.js is designed from the ground up to be incrementally adoptable, making it easy to integrate with other projects or libraries. This framework also enables developers to build complex single-page applications. It binds data and views using a fast, web-based, template engine that facilitates rapid development.

As a candidate or employee seeking to master Vue.js, you should be expected to have a robust understanding of HTML, CSS, and Javascript. You should be able to use Vue.js to build reusable components and to manage the state of the components. Advanced Vue.js techniques, such as mixins, custom directives, filters, and transitions, should also be your forte. Experience with Vue-router, Vue-resource, Vuex, and vue-cli for routing, HTTP requests, state management, and scaffolding respectively, are expected features in Vue.js role.

A deep understanding of ES6 features like Arrow Functions, Classes, Modules, Destructuring, Spread Operator, and Promises will best prepare you to learn or master Vue.js. Experience with modern front-end build pipeline and tools (webpack, Babel) and command line interface is also beneficial. The ability to utilize Vue's reactivity system to manage state changes in a predictable manner and knowledge of Virtual DOM and its implications on website performance will be highly valuable in this role.

Vue.js is highly versatile and can be used in combination with other libraries or existing projects, but it is also powerful enough to build advanced Single Page Applications when used in combination with modern tooling and supporting libraries. An understanding of other JavaScript frameworks, like Angular or React, can also give you a broader perspective and can serve as a strong foundation for learning Vue.js.

To successfully master Vue.js, you need to develop problem-solving skills, and be detail-oriented to ensure your code executes as expected and you can debug when it does not. Good communication skills will also be beneficial, as you will often need to work as part of a team and relay technical information in a clear, comprehensible way.