Alisa Eresina - Female Cycle Superpower , Build Your Business, Career and Life With the Power of Your Cycle

Automatic Summary

Embracing Your Cycle: Unlock Your Superpower for Personal Development

Ever thought of your body's menstrual cycle as a wellspring of potent natural forces you can harness for personal and professional success? Yes, your cycle is indeed your superpower and you can use it to navigate your career, build your business, and create a fulfilling life for yourself. It is a hidden secret that every girl, woman, leader, and talent should know about. In this blog, we will delve into demystifying how our cyclical nature can be an ally in our personal and professional journey.

Understanding Your Body: Your Greatest Resource

Your body is your greatest resource. From our mental processes to our physical stamina, many facets of our lives depend on the functioning of our bodies. The more we understand our intrinsic patterns and learn how to align with them, the better we will perform in business and life.

When we're working against our inner rhythm and cycle, we’re perpetually pushing against an unseen wall. But by learning how to navigate this ebb and flow like fish in a river, we can minimize struggle.

Unleashing the Power of Our Cyclical Nature in Personal and Career Development

The first rhythm we should pay utmost attention to is the circadian rhythm. This is the 24-hour cycle that regulates our sleep and waking hours, hormone uptake, and other key physiological processes important for health, focus, energy, and well-being.

For women, however, there is another cycle that plays a crucial influence in our lives – the menstrual cycle. This is our Infradian rhythm, a cycle that lasts longer than 24 hours. In our case, it approximates 28 days, though it varies from woman to woman. This rhythm influences our immune system, mental clarity, mood, and general functioning.

Navigating Your Inner Seasons

Our menstrual cycle is akin to the four seasons in nature, each with unique qualities and energies to harness for personal and vocational growth:

  1. Inner Winter: This is when menstruation happens. It is an important resting phase, a time to cultivate wisdom and intuition, and provide space for self-care and introspection.
  2. Inner Spring: This Pre-ovulation phase is a time of initiation and planning. This is the best time to plant seeds for future projects, ideas, relationships, or self-care initiatives.
  3. Inner Summer: The ovulation byphase is excellent for external-oriented activities, socializing, creativity, and expression.
  4. Inner Autumn: In this phase, we harvest the fruits of our efforts, processing challenging emotions or experiences for self-transformation and personal growth.

Five Practical Steps to Embrace Your Cyclical Nature

If you’re excited about exploring the potential of working with your cycle, these five simple steps can help you start livestreaming this power:

  • Track Your Period: Note when your period arrives to understand when to expect it and how regular it is – there are numerous apps available for this.
  • Journal on Your Inner Seasons: Pay attention to your mental and emotional state during each phase of your cycle, and note what works and what doesn’t.
  • Eliminate Unnecessary Stress: Identify and reduce sources of stress that interfere with your cycle.
  • Create a Welcome Ritual: Normalize and celebrate the arrival of your period as a way of embracing your cyclical nature.
  • Know Your Season Superpower: Leverage the unique qualities and energies of each phase of your cycle for specific tasks, and plan activities around this cycle.

In conclusion, understanding the power of our cyclical nature as women can unlock enormous potential in personal development, career building, and business. Embracing this knowledge is the key to a fulfilling life; working in alignment with our body rhythms rather than against them presents a revolutionary approach to success.

Video Transcription

Hi and welcome everyone. Um Yes, your cycle is indeed your superpower and you can use it to navigate your career and to build business and to create a fulfilling life for yourself. And this is a hidden secret that I just got to know a couple of years ago.And I want to share with you first why this is so important and that every girl, every woman, every leader, every talent should know about. So I've been working in the personal development industry for quite some time. It is interwoven with my personal journey. I wanted to find solutions for myself and simply started inviting other people on my journey. But throughout the years, I have never came across the idea that our cyclical nature can be an ally in this process. Until one day I met a dola and for the ones who don't know what the dola is. It's like a midwife. And I met her during my yoga education training to learn how to use the body to help people to really embody their potential. And she initiated me into this topic. She opened up the floor and this moment I was completely blown away. That I have never heard about um our periods and cycle that we can actually use it as our power. Um my entire life and I was not the only one I was uh literally with everyone who I talked to had no idea about that.

So over the last couple of years, I started sharing this knowledge and hosting different workshops, including in my uh programs with the women I worked with and hearing the stories, hearing the struggles, hearing their um also wisdom, how they are navigating their life, their work through this and every one of us hold this specific secret to that.

This is by the way, pre-covid times. It's always nice to look when you interact with people physically. And yeah, I want to start off with asking you the question. Why do we struggle? Why do you struggle now? Struggle can mean various things. It can mean that we are having not enough clarity where to go, that we're not feeling confident enough in ourselves. It can be even look like this that we're just simply exhausted and our body is giving up and doesn't know what to do. And if we can bring it down to very simple is you struggle because your body is in a survival mode, your body can thrive if you, your body is in survival mode. What that means is not survival that you're drowning or in an extreme situation being in survival mode. That means that we're working against our inner rhythm and inner cycle. So think of it this way if you're continuously crushing a wall, um it's way more effortful to break through and find a door instead of learning how to navigate and to really just go with the flow like fishes, swimming in the water. And this is what I have learned from the women, from our myself and through really diving deep into this topic that we are never taught how to work in alignment with our inner nature, with our cyclical nature. And this creates a lot of struggle for us professionally.

And also personally, now there is one thing that I can um help you to remember from this session from this talk is that your body, this beautiful organism, everything what it has there is our greatest resource. Our body is literally our greatest resource. So even if you think that well, maybe knowledge is or my education is something an important resource. But think of it, if you're not really having a body which can receive this knowledge, which can uh reflect it back at the needed time with confidence, etcetera, then everything what you learn. If you're not having it in your memory, it's going to be useless. Same goes with almost every other area. And this is what I want to come and bring across that. Literally learning how to use this tool is going to be your greatest superpower. If you understand, for us, humans they are um important systems within that we need to understand. And I want to present you two systems that we can pay attention to and specifically for women, what we can pay attention to more closely. The first rhythm is the circadian rhythm. It's maybe something that um some of you already heard of. It's a 24 hour cycle. It regulates our sleep. Um, the hormone and intakes will know when we are going to wake up, when we go to sleep. This um cycle.

And this rhythm is super important for health, for our focus, for our energy, for our well being for so many things and hence our productive productivity, creativity, problem solving and so on. And if you think of it even our work environments, our whole working system is structured around this 24 hour cycle. So we go at 9 a.m. to work or we start our day and finish off, we try to press everything into this 24 hour windows. And while this is important for men and women, for male bodies and female bodies, for us, women or the ones who are in a female body, there is an even more important cycle that we should pay attention to what we usually don't talk about. And you can guess it. Yes, it's our menstrual cycle in Frey and rhythm is just a fancy word from a cycle um for a rhythm which is longer than a 24 hour window. So in our case, it's 28 days plus because the cycle varies from woman to woman. And it's not something which is working like a machine on the clock. It depends also on your environment, how you feel and it interacts with your ceramic as well. But this rhythm is responsible for your immune system, how you feel, how you function, um how your um mental clarity works. And the more we understand how we can align to this rhythm, the better we will flow in business and life.

Now, let's jump a bit into looking how that looks. So one way of uh comparing our cycle is comparing it to seasons, like the outer seasons, we can compare to our inner seasons. And the first season that you can see here also on the street is our winter season, the inner winter, this is where menstruation happens. And you see, I put down day 1 to 5, but these are only suggestions because I told you before. It's not like a machine clock. We all always vary and our period, our cycle, mine is not the same when I had it as a young girl. And now I'm 25 years old, it's different and it will continuously change. So we need to pay attention and to attune to that. But this is generally just a suggestion. So you can orientate yourself. So there in this phase, it's an important resting phase like in nature, everything is cooling down and slowing down. We need this rest, we need to calm down. And when we rest, we can really tune more into our wisdom into our body, into our intuition. And you can see the important part is here to giving yourself the space, your me time, your celebration, instead of pushing it through. Now, from there, we are transitioning into inner spring.

It's the pre ovulation phase and this is as a nature, Everything is organizing and blue blo uh blossoming and blooming. Your estrogen levels are going up, testosterone levels are going up. So all everything within you is working towards one single goal. And this time is really good for initiation like nature. You can plant seeds of where you want to focus your energy into for the next cycle for the next month. Maybe it's a project, maybe it's an idea, maybe it's your relationship, maybe it's self care. But we can really use this energy if we work in align to that, to laser sharp, focus our way through. And this is a very good time for organization and really aligning for structuring things to really putting things into place and planting the seeds, initiations into where energy should flow from spring. We're going into the hot summer. This is our ovulation. This is where we peak, the our hormones are peaking in a way. And if you think about your entire body is working um to get a maid to really enjoy yourself and you're very, maybe even extrovert, you're very good in terms of communication because also your brain chemistry changing.

And this is important to understand that all these phases are you, it's you, I always say like a woman um for her month is like four women at once. And the more we can embrace this variation, the easier we can flow with that. So the summer phase um is um simply speaking a wonderful face, for example, for external oriented activities. So if you have a very important negotiation called, this is the time where you can schedule it. If you're pitching your ideas in front of investors, ideally plan it in this face. For me, for example, I know that's how my skin looks, how I feel. I'm usually quite shy in front of a camera. So when I'm scheduling um my sessions with photographers to create some pictures for my business. I know exactly with my photographer that I'm going to scan it in this time. So I feel more comfortable, more playful, more uh engaging, which is very helpful. So if we know where we are for other phases, we can really use the power of the different seasons to, to navigate our life. And an important thing here to notice is it's not that the winter is bad and the summer is good because think of it, if you would have summer days for um really hot days for, let's say a week, you would enjoy it, right.

You would go and swim and you would just enjoy this beautiful, outward focused energy. But just think of it if you would have the hot days, um around one month or three months, so you cannot really function at work. You're sweating the whole time. Now, you're actually waiting for a cool wind. You're waiting for a new season to come. And this is important to understand the power lies in the changing phases. Not in every single phase from summer, we're going into autumn. This is the time where we are harvesting our fruits, which we have built up. So we planted our seed to work on them. We allowed them to blossom and this is time where we're again, going inwards again. So now if you have planted everything before as uh correctly, you can now really tune in and harvest the fruits. Um In this time, it's often associated with P MS and different struggles. But here's um a small secret for that. If you struggle, if you put a lot of pressure throughout the different phases. So in spring and summer, and especially if you haven't rested in the winter phase, you will continue taking this pressure into the autumn and everything would have not been processed on a physical mental and emotional level will simply be amplified.

Here on the one hand, it's a wonderful chance to really tune in and to see how we can use this face for self transformation for really um tuning into myself, processing different challenging emotions or situations that I have experienced and growing out of them. And um the other thing is is to really pay attention to the other phases, how to allow your autumn phase to unfold its gifts. Because when the autumn is clean, when the autumn is really focused on inwards, that's a wonderful time for creativity. Usually when I work with women and I know it from, from their experiences in this time, it's a really beautiful time for creative expression. I get personally my ideas here, I get um on a professional level, but also personally to paint to express any form of creativity. That's the perfect time for that. And as you can imagine, the autumn is again transitioning to winter when we're allowed to rest and to tune even more inwards. So we really can tune our intuition and then decide for the next time where we, we want to plant our seeds. Now, this is only the monthly cycle. But as I told you in the beginning, it's about the entire women life cycle. So it starts when we receive our first period, the first bleeding and it continues until we die actually. And one other important cycle here is the menopause. It's another taboo topic, I call it taboo in the taboo.

Um And it's a different way of how we are becoming and I placed it in the spring section because actually to Taoist traditions or Taoist philosophies from Chinese, from China, they call menopause the second spring. It's not like in our West, we consider this uh we're useless or we're not function, we're not fertile, but they see the space as a power face. They call even women who enter into manifest um dragons. So we can see how our picture um is a bit diluted of what this cycle is and how we can use it for ourselves. Um I want to give you just if you think this is cool and you want to get started, I want to give you five things where you can start already right now to tune into your cyclical nature and work with it. Number one is track your period as simple as it sounds, it is really, really helpful just knowing when your period arrives, um, you can have many different tech versions for that. You can simply use your calendar or write it in your notebook but allowing yourself to write down when your period comes already, gives you a good overview. Is it happening regularly? Is there similarities? What's approximately your personal normal? So get um better clear picture when your period comes.

Number two journal on your inner seasons. The key here is to really self explore. I already told you some hints of what's the qualities and superpowers of different seasons are, but it's really up to you to discover what phase is good for it. What task? Is it good for? What task it is not good for? What's my mental state? What's my emotional state? Four women and one, how can I embrace this different woman within me? And where can they put them best in these different places? So start journaling about what you notice, what was good, what was not good, what was useful, not so useful? And you get a very after three months, a very clear picture of what your inner RM is. Number three, that's a very big one. Eliminate unnecessary stress. Now, in order to um to eliminate this, you need to really dive deep into identifying your stressors. And this can be various things. Everything is interacting with your body and with your system, that can be nutrition, that can be food, that can be worry that really uh interferes into your sickle nature. Um It can be hormonal intervention. There are many, many things that's uh we're allowing our system to enter and we don't even know that it disrupts in a negative sense, our natural inner rhythm.

So if we become more aware, what are the stresses we can reduce and eliminate them and attune more to our inner rhythm and allow ourselves to be guided by it. Instead of us, our mind pushing us into this 24 hour schedule of how things ought to be. Another idea if you have a um negative association with your blood and period is to reprogram a bit how we relate to our own self. And one idea is to create a welcome ritual when your period arrives. So usually our associated uh reaction can be either ignorance. I can share you very personally for a very long time. My welcome ritual and you have already one. Don't think that you need to uh to, to uh create one you already. And it's just a question. How supportive is it for a long time? My my unconscious ritual was I received my period without even thinking of it. I was annoyed, I put in my tampon. I didn't even ask my body connected to it and I just was pissed about that. It happened maybe at the wrong time or on my holidays. This is already a welcome ritual. So imagine if you would greet a friend or a lover like this, how well is this relationship? Not so well? So we can really choose to reprogram our reaction to our blood to our period. And you can create a welcome ritual by really choosing something that supports you that helps you to celebrate. That can be a me time, a bath. It can be special period underwear.

It can be your favorite chocolate or dish, but create something which really celebrates your nature and signals you. It's resting time, it's me time and I'm allowed to take the space for me. And the five the fifth step is know your season superpower. So if you get an overview where you are. If your, um, cycle is regular, if there is anything going on hormonally, what you can support, then you can really tune in to understand what each season can be good for. And then you on the one hand can plan um, your life schedule and work schedule around it. And on the other hand, know also the light shadows um, in each face. So you might not control everything in your life. For example, right now I'm in my winter face. I if I could have chosen the conference on a different day, I would might have scheduled it around spring and summer. But I know for example, in my um my autumn and winter face, I'm more soft, I'm more gentle the way how I speak. I am more in tune with me and I see this rather as a gift instead of me trying to become a different version of myself. Beautiful. I think we're done. That was, was it

that was perfect just on time though. We over time. Exactly 20 minutes. Fantastic job. Thanks. Uh Lisa. I really love the idea to create this welcome resource and to reprogram our reactions in order to celebrate our nature. That's the right mindset. And I'm I'm sure many of our participants learned a lot today and then implement the tips and the suggestions that you provided today. Thank you so much. Fantastic job, Alissa, stay with us. Connect in the chat, say hi. Networking area. Check it out. I'm sure many people want to connect with. You. Have a great day. Bye bye.