Ariel Naftali - Uncover Your PurposeApply to Speak

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Unlocking the Power of Purpose: A Guide to Stepping into Your Authentic Self-expression

In our fast-paced world, many of us struggle with finding our true purpose. But what if I told you that the key to unlocking your purpose lies in embracing your authentic self-expression? I’m Ariel Naftali, a purpose coach based in Denver, Colorado, passionate about inspiring others to share their creative gifts with the world for a positive impact.

The Essence of Purpose

My belief is that your purpose is inherent in who you are at your core. It's your unique value, your energy, your quirks – essentially, it’s all those weird and wonderful attributes that make you you. Embracing these aspects of your personality brings satisfaction and fulfillment, making you a natural magnet for others.

Unlocking your X-Factor

So, how can you tap into your natural essence and boost your expression? It all starts with awareness. Awareness of what makes you unique, your talents, and your passions. Consider what you're naturally good at, what sparks your interest, and how you can intentionally express who you are.

Aligning Your Work with your Purpose

When you are fully aligned with your purpose, you radiate your personal brand. This is not about creating a fake persona, but allowing your authentic self to shine and evolve. There are three core questions you should ask yourself to live and work in authentic alignment:

  1. What are you naturally good at? Understanding your innate strengths forms the bedrock of discovering your purpose.
  2. What are you curious about? Follow your natural curiosity; it's a breadcrumb trail leading to the door of your purpose.
  3. What impact do you want to have? Reflect on the difference you want to make in the world.

Once you identify answers to these questions, you're on your way to uncovering your unique purpose!

Work-Life Purpose: The New Work-Life Balance

Many may seek work-life balance, but what we really crave is work-life purpose. The goal is to feel engaged, meaningful, and fulfilled in both your professional and personal life. The trick is to show up intentionally and authentically in all spaces of your life. Don't just juggle between your personal and professional world; infuse both with purpose and passion.

The Final Word

Finding and living your purpose requires embracing your authentic self and expressing your unique gifts. It involves reflecting on your innate talents, curiosities, and desired impact. Remember; your purpose is not something you need to find out there; it's within you. Connect with it. Live it. Share it.

Want more advice on discovering your purpose? Feel free to reach out - I'd love to hear from you!

Video Transcription

All right, looks like it's 930. So I will get started. Hi, everyone. Thank you for coming. Uh It's so nice to see you all speaking up in the chat already. Thank you. I am Ariel Naftali. I am a purpose coach.I live in Denver, Colorado and as a purpose coach, I should probably tell you what my purpose is. And my purpose in life currently is to inspire others to step into their authentic self expression so they can share their creative gifts with the world and make a positive impact. So that's kind of the foundation that unders all the work that I do. Oh my God. Hi, Kendra. Yes. Let's connect after for sure. I'll put my email in here at the end for people to reach me if you'd like. So my understanding of purpose is that it's really simple. It's being who you are at your core and that happens both through your essence and through your intentional expression. So when I say your essence, I mean that you have a unique weird way of value that no one else has your energy, your mannerisms, the way you talk, your weird and funny quirks.

These are all part of your essence, how other people experience you and when you fully embrace them and embody them, people are magnetized to that. And sometimes these are parts of ourselves that we don't think are anything special or we wanna hide because they, we think they're, you know, not the norm, but these are like what make us so special and so magnetizing. And so my question for you is how can you more your natural essence and expression? These things are your X factors and this is part of your purpose. And the second piece is then the intentional expression of who you are. So how do you choose to share your creative gifts with the world? And of course, you need to know what your creative gifts are in order to share them. So I will get to that in a moment here. Hi. Oh, hi from Boulder. Hi, Alicia. Oh my God. I wanna go to Switzerland so badly. Hi, Carla. So when you are fully aligned with your purpose, you also radiate your personal brand. It's not so much something you go out of your way to choose, but something that evolves as you evolve. And so I think about three core pieces of your purpose that you must know to live and work in authentic alignment. And the first part of that is what are you naturally good at?

This is something we maybe don't give enough credit to, but you were given innate talents for a reason to use them. And you're the only one who can do things exactly the way you do them. So my question for you all is, what are you naturally good at? And how are are you using this in your current role in your life? So I will share first to get the ball rolling and then I love to hear all of your thoughts in the chat box. So one of the things I am naturally good at is making people feel safe and comfortable um which allows them to step more freely into their authentic expression without fear of judgment or um you know, rejection or anything like that. And so as you can see, that's largely part of my purpose in my work. So I would love to hear from you all. What are some things that you feel like you're naturally good at and how are, aren't you embodying that in your work right now? Hm. Yeah, I carry finding commonalities in myself with other people. Yeah. And I'm sure that helps build rapport too. Getting to see how you align. Mm Belinda. You help people feel validated. It's beautiful. Mm Thank you all for sharing. I'll give maybe another minute for you all to share.

Good at reminding people of their strengths. Yeah, Brianna. So important demon diamonds living up and messing up your name. Pronunciation, analyzing. Yes. Oh I am not good at analyzing. So need you need people like you. Hm. Oh, thank you all, Carla. Good, helping others, Lisa, a good enabler in a positive way. Ok. Yeah. Like empowering someone to step into their potential. I love that. Good at convincing people. Hm. Persuasion, influencing. We'll get to that in a little bit. I use my voice and others can't. Well, mm, speaking up for others. Good at motivating. Yes, advising, problem solving, complimenting. Ah, and this is like the beauty of it too is like we are all good at different things and that's why we need to own them and be able to work together and and bring those diverse elements into the space. Alicia. Good at finding tech solutions, helping people with their tech problems. Alicia. I need you. It took me a really long time to figure out this platform. Oh, thank you all. Yes, Mervin. We will speak up and be their authentic self, Maggie. Yes. OK. Thank you all. Feel free to keep sharing it. I will get to the next piece. So the first part of purpose is what are you actually good at? And the second piece is what are you curious about? Our curious, our curiosities are bread crumbs toward the next expression of our purpose.

And often we kind of write off our curiosities as just like something we do to fill the time. Like what do we listen to podcasts about or what do we read about um or write it off as like a hobby. But really like, there's a reason that we're curious or interested in something that other people are not. And when we start leaning into that, we start feeling more aligned with our purpose. And I think that the whole notion of having a passion can be intimidating or overwhelming because we don't necessarily know what our passion is until we start spending time with something. And so what I like to say is to follow your curiosity more so than pursue your passion.

Because when you follow what you're curious about, then you get to really dive deep into something and develop a love or a passion around it when you spend time with it. So the second piece of what are you curious about, what are you interested in? I want to hear from you all and I will start again to get the ball rolling. I'm curious about human psychology and spirituality and understanding the human experience on a really deep level. And this is kind of what makes me so excited to coach and work with people every single day is leaning into that interest and that curiosity that now I have such a passion for. So if you all take a moment and share what do you have curiosity about or if it's developed into a passion, I would love to hear as well. Hm. Future of work, Anna Lisa. Curious about way too many things. Yeah. And sometimes that can, that can be challenging, right? Because it's like option paralysis. There's so many things that we just like sit back and we don't know what to choose. And so what I would say when that's the case of what's happening, you just pick one thing to focus on for a period of time. It can even be a small period of time. And don't let that mean that you're closing the door to everything else.

But our human minds can only handle so many things at once. And so when we are able to, you know, choose a lane and go with that for a period of time and then like experiment with it is this resonating, is this not resonating? Doesn't mean you're shutting the door to all those other things that you're interested in? Hm. Technology, real estate, marketing, finance and solving problems. Sounds like we've got a lot of interest here curious about what inspires people to go out in the world and do good. Hm.

That's an interesting question, Belinda. I like that. I'd love to know from you or do you feel that inspiration too? Hm. What makes people tick Karina? Oh, I like this one. I'm gonna get to this in my next, my next point curious about our place in the universe of what we can do to leave a meaningful and lasting impression. Yeah, that's what this is all about. Oh, you all are in the right talk, Lisa. I wanna see it. Can you send a picture in the chat room. I don't know if that's a function that it allows. Mm. What triggers people curious about this Cryptocurrency craze? I could not listen to the Cryptocurrency craze anymore. Mm Belinda. Definitely. I just feel that I'm not doing enough and can't achieve it alone. Hm. Well, I think a big part of this is that we all get to make a very small imprint on the world and collectively that adds to a larger impact, but none of us can s save the world on our own. And you know, so my question for you is how are you doing your small part? How are you utilizing what you're uniquely good at? How are you stepping into what you're curious about?

Where are you noticing the small ones in your day to day life versus feeling like it needs to be this like big macro impact? Hm, Jannika. Oh, I feel like I'm butchering all of your names. I'm sorry, please correct me. So curious about human interactions, different cultures, history, technology, music. Hm. The interaction between interest and using them for good. Yeah. Curious about myself as to how much I can push myself to achieve my goals. Hm. There's only one way to find out. Mm Interior Lisa, interior architecture and sustainable reuse to improve the home life, underprivileged com graphics demographics. I don't know if I know what that is demographic like. OK, I see. I see. OK. Uh Thank you all. Uh you are the best. OK. I'm gonna get to my last point. Um And then I'll leave some time for more questions and interaction too. So the third piece first is what you're naturally good at second, what you're curious about third piece and what many of you kind of already mentioned in the trial is? What impact do you wanna have on others and on the world? And this doesn't again need to be like I wanna solve global warming on my own. It can be as niche as I wanna help people manage their relationship with technology. But what is it that you actually care about?

What is it that actually draws you in and often the experiences in our life shape what we value and what we care about. And so I call this your external why and I'll explain why in a moment that it's the external piece. Um But often this can be something that frustrates us too, like what it is we care about. So for instance, it really bothers me when people are inauthentic and not trying to realize their full potential. Like whenever I would notice the people in my life, kind of just sitting back and getting complete. It really like bothered me. And obviously you can see how that's transferred over to me, really wanting to help people step into their authentic self expression. So if you haven't already, I'd love to hear in the chat what is something you care about or something that really frustrates you and maybe see if you can translate that into the kind of impact or the influence you would want to have on others. Mm. Alicia, I want to help people in organizations who are doing good for the world with their tech needs. Alicia, we need to have a conversation after this. Mm. The fact that people know better but they don't do better. Hm. Man. Sleeping. Uh Yeah, seriously. Really good points from everyone. I care about bringing out the best in others and doing that. I realize that. Hm. Yeah, misusing technology. So big, ethical, socially responsible technologies and how to use them to do good and how to fight bias and injustice.

Look at you all, you have such bad ass big dreams. I love this so much frustrates me when people don't take the initiative to solve their problems and not reach their potential. Yeah, me too. Mm Thank you all for sharing. Yes, Lisa. Forgetting to check yourself and checking others. Hm. Yeah, it's much easier to uh share our opinions about others and rather than have our deep internal reflection on how we could be doing better. Mm OK. I'll get to my last point here and then would love to open up the floor for any additional questions. So I wanted to specify here that there's a difference between your external why and your internal why? So I think of your external. Why is like, what's the impact of the influence you wanna have have on others? Whereas your internal wise, what do you personally want out of your work experience and out of your personal life even too? So I know for me, I want personal fulfillment, I want connection, I want flexibility. I want financial freedom. Um These are all my personal reasons separated from the impact that I want my work to have. And it's important to know both because when we get frustrated by something going on in our work life, it's often because an internal why is being challenged, right?

Like someone decides not to work with me and that impacts my ego and how I perceive myself and what's going on. And then I'm not feeling fulfilled in that moment and I can go down on such a rabbit hole with that. But then when I get to step out and connect back to my external why? Which is OK. Wait, I'm helping people step into their authentic self expression and connect to their purpose. I still have a bunch of people I'm helping that with. And there's a bunch of people that I haven't met yet that I know I'm going to help people with. And so when I root back into that external line, it really helps like emotionally detach from the situation. And I get to be resilient through the process of that. So the very last point that I want to make here is I know it's become kind of trendy to talk about work life balance, like something that everyone wants. And what I really think it is is that people want work life purpose. Like we want to feel engaged and purposeful and feel like both our work life and our personal life are meaningful. So it's not necessarily about this equal separation of time, but we wanna feel engaged in both spaces. I wanna feel present and excited and fulfilled both in the way. I'm contributing to the world in a professional way. And when I'm home with my family or whoever I spend time with on a personal level.

And so my question is, how are we intentionally showing up in our personal and professional lives? Are we present for, for both? And are we being our authentic selves in both spaces? And I think like when we ask ourselves that question and genuinely reflect on it, we can come up with some good ideas of how we can start stepping more purposefully into both spaces and not feeling like our personal life is, needs to be an escape, but both get to fuel each other because we're engaged in both.

So can we Simone? Can we change that to life? Work, balance, switch it up? What do you do? What do you mean by that? Like, say life, work instead of work life? Oh, yes, yes, I like that. Hm. Ok. Any questions? I know we have two minutes left here. So any questions for you all? And I'll read through the chat box now. Alicia, what do I, what do I want to have personally puzzles to solve? Feeling like I'm doing good in the world. Feeling like I'm helping people. Hm. Yeah. And feel free to share like your internal versus external. Y if that's something that's calling out to you right now too. Graciella focusing on our own. Why while letting go of judgment of others is important? Yeah, our own. Why can it be independent of expectations of how others should be responding to us? If we are authentic, we will impact others. Exactly. Not everyone. I love that point. Not everyone is going to love us when we step into our authentic selves. And that's OK. And that's actually the point because the right people will come into our space, the right people are magnetized to us when we're being our authentic selves. Oh That's OK. The internal, why is your personal reasons for why you do what you do when you're working in your personal life? So um as a coach, one of my internal whys is flexibility or financial freedom and this is separate from my impact.

And I wanna get clear on why am I personally doing this? Like, what do I get from it? And also what do I get to give to others? And that's the external. Does that make sense? OK. OK. Good. How can we learn more about your work and get more involved in uncovering our purpose. Ah, thanks Alexa here. I will put my email in the chat, feel free to reach out to me at any point in time. And I would love to tell you how we can, how I can further support you in any way. Thanks, Nadia. What if things don't work or have an impact the way you would like? Hm. I wanna know more about that question. Thank you so much. Iron. Yes, I agree. 20 minutes is definitely not enough. Uh, so much more to dig into here. Please feel free to email me and I'll be happy to continue the conversation outside of this. Hm. Website. Is this still going? I don't know how it works. I'll put my website in here, perform with Um And my linkedin is Ariana Tally. Hm. Thank you all, yay. You're all the best. Thank you. Thank you all, Alicia. Let's definitely connect. Hm. Thanks Alexa. Hello. Mhm. How's it going? That's a good. Are you just hopping in?

Yeah, I did. Ok. And this is at the end. Yeah. It only went to 950. I don't know how it works from, from here, but no record of it and what you said what I caught was amazing. So keep doing what you're doing. Oh, thanks Heather. Where are you coming from? Um, from Utah. That was me. Yeah, it's beautiful. We're not too far away. From each other. Where are you coming from? I'm in Colorado. Oh, ok. Yeah, I love Colorado. Yeah. Places. Yes. Hi, Andy says, hey, Heather, I'm in Colorado too. Yes. Hi. And do they, how long do these things go for if anyone has any questions? Mm. Ok. All right. I will end this for everyone. Clearly, I need help on the technology piece. Thank you guys all for coming. This has been really special. Goodbye.