A Cooperative Approach to Foster Global Impact from Your Local Communities by Alexis Snelling Vicki Reece

Automatic Summary

Building a Global Impact through Local Action: A Conversation with Joy of Mom

In today's digital landscape, building an impactful and supportive community is more than achievable; it's necessary. I was fortunate to sit down with Alexis Snelling, CEO of We transact and Vicky Rees, the CEO of Joy of mom - one of the biggest and most engaged mom communities online. Together, they shared valuable insights into creating a community that extends beyond just a social network, reaching out and positively affecting the lives of many globally.

Creating a Community That Helps Moms Navigate Life Challenges

Vicky started Joy of Mom out of her own struggles with pregnancy, seeking to create a supportive space for mothers encountering similar difficulties. Her passion lies in ensuring that no mother feels alone during their journey. From navigating through miscarriages and finally being blessed with three children, to growing a community of 3 million women, she has indeed made quite an impact.

Taking Authenticity to a Whole New Level

Nothing speaks authenticity more than a community built from the heart. For Vicky, Joy of Mom is a journey against becoming a typical influencer. Every bit of the community that she built resounds with authenticity and connection. Her community's unique approach gives moms confidence to share their experiences openly. From small community sizes to reaching massive numbers like 20 to 100 million every month, their reach spans far beyond the mainstream understanding of a 'mommy' group. It is all about empowering families, moms, and women on their mission to bettering their communities and societies.

Key Takeaways: Building an Impactful Community

  • Reciprocity is Key: In community building, the 'you get what you put in' concept goes a long way. Commit to your chosen community and put in the effort to create a lasting impact.
  • Peace of Mind is Non-negotiable: If a community is costing you your peace, it's too expensive. Evaluate the environment and assess if it energizes or drains you. Always aim for a community that adds to your well-being.
  • Strength in Unity: A community is potent when everyone works together towards a common goal. The combination of like-minded individuals can lead to significant and impactful changes.
  • Take Action, One Step at a Time: Martin Luther King Jr. said, "You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." It holds true today. Regardless of your community's size, taking one step at a time towards achieving a common goal can be groundbreaking.

In conclusion, it takes more than just a social following to build a community. It requires authenticity, unity, a safe environment, and, above all, a commitment to making an impact one step at a time. Whether you're looking to make a local impact or go global, remember these valuable insights shared by Vicky and Alexis. Every action counts!

Video Transcription

OK. Thanks guys so much for your patience.We uh are in and now we will get started uh without further ado uh I am Alexis Snelling and I am the CEO of We transact and I'm very excited to be here today with Vicky Rees, the CEO of Joy of mom. So, as we go through the slides today, uh I would love for Joy or Vicky to share joy of mom, her community, what uh they do what they offer and why we're here, bringing these tips and advice that you, you can really create some local impact that will have very large global uh impact as well.

So I'm gonna pass it over to Vicky Vicky. Share with us a little bit about joy of mom and your community.

I will Alexis. Thank you. Hi, everyone. I'm so happy to be here and to meet everybody. If you guys. Where's this beautiful piano music coming from?

I think we've got some background. Let me just make sure

I know I was like, oh, that's so nice. Um So we're gonna dive right in. Oh my goodness. I eat sleep, live breathe community. It's been my passion for a long time, I've been doing this 12 years, although it doesn't feel like 12 years. Um And I, I organized everything to literally, I felt if I can help one mom get through her challenge. Um I didn't want women and moms to feel alone. I had two miscarriages. I couldn't get pregnant. Then I was blessed. I was able to my first child and I have three kids now who are in their twenties. And I have been on this mission about empowering families just about as long as I can remember. So it was such a natural thing for me to look for a platform that was authentic, true and trusted and I couldn't find one. I am the kind of opposite of an influencer. Everything we do is I, I've grown, we've got like 3 million directly. Some months, I reach 100 million, some months. I reached 20 million depending upon the month. Um We have an amazing also network that I just love of other women. This is in the past four or five ish years that are very small niche communities. And I love the featuring other women and moms on a mission and featuring their communities. And I think I'm rambling a little bit, but I think I thought this is exciting.

It's a, it's a wonderful and, and big community that you built and I wanted to take a moment because you have such a unique story. It did start organically it started locally. Uh You are like the best person for the this topic, uh because it can, I mean, the fact that it went from you as an individual going through something in your life, you were looking for solutions. You were looking for a support and something that you needed. And now you've been able to grow this organically and with such incredible engagement to millions and millions of others just like you. So, thank you so much for joining us today. We're gonna go through some tips that Vicky and I have put prepared to really pass on to you. We don't want to have to re invent the wheel. Vicki went through a lot of learning. We've all had communities of our own. So we really want to give you actionable things that you can do that are gonna create some sort of impact uh about something that you are passionate about. It might be taking action on a particular interest, it might be taking action on something you want to see in your community, change or improve uh whatever their and B we know there's a lot of things that people want to take action on today.

So let's dive right in. I'm gonna start flipping through the slides. And um the first one here, this is an important thing about a community I wanted to kick off, you only get what you put in. And you know, one thing about a community is when you are looking for a community or wanna take part, whether you're leading it or you're a member. Either way, we only have so many hours in the day and if you are going to be present and you're going to actually do something in a community, there's a lot of communities you can just be part of and hang out and chit chat with. But this is different. What we really want to focus on today are communities that are taking action that are taking these discussions and doing something with it. So we want to clarify why this is so important as our number one, you get what you put in and Vicky talk about how um how's that true joy of mom, you know, for your members?

Absolutely. And that's been the basis frankly, I think of why we've been so connected. I don't like to use the word sticky, but not only me but our moms with each other for each other. We've been there from, you know, day in and day out from the celebrations to the hard times to the unthinkable. And there's been so many moms who have said I normally don't speak up much, but I feel so comfortable here. Um They just, the more you authentically share, the more you um feel comfortable. I, I don't want to dip into our other tips because I want to share. But um you can really, it helps navigate from growing a community to being part of a community. But it's just like with anything else in life, the more passion and, and earnestness and energy you pour into something you get back and you also feel, you know, we know when something feels comfortable, we know when we feel like, oh, these are my people and I know we're supposed to put a link in.

I mean, excuse me, case of for Alexis just to share,

I'll be sharing that and keep,

you know, popping your, your, your site in here because I popped mine in just so people can reach you. And if it's OK, can I pop in and go in? So? Oh, good. You're bit. But absolutely.

So this is a bitly, you can scroll along. We've created this guide so you can see the slides, you also can see our tips and more information on it. We have some giveaways that are in there as well. So feel free to use that Bitly link. It's bitly uh for slash women tech, all lower case 22. And you know, just to go off of what you were saying, yes, you have to be authentic. And when you're putting something in. So one thing we recommend just very practically before you decide to take action on something that you're really passionate about is look at your existing groups that you're a part of. Go through that Facebook group list, go through whatever groups list you have. And if you haven't been engaged, you know. Yes, it might be something you're passionate about generally. But if you're not actually involved in that community, just delete it from your view. Clean House a little bit with what groups you're gonna, what you're gonna really focus your time on because to take action, you have to really focus. So one way to do that is Clean House a little bit. Choose which ones um really resonate with you and which ones you're actually going to say, OK, I'm gonna do something about this. Yes, I might be a part of these other groups. Yes, I can be in there but you really need to commit to. OK.

Which one am I going to give first? And then of course, the group will receive and, and give back. Um So I'm gonna go to the second slide because we were getting there as well. If it costs you your piece, it's too expensive. What does that mean in a community? Because communities are not always easy places to speak up.

That's very true. And I, I I'd say my whole life, I know there's like when you're a woman and you survive middle school, you know, it's like a rite of passage. But I've just always been nice and kind and empathetic and caring. And so that's like on my radar and, you know, I don't do well with mean girl stuff. I mean, just never have and time is too short. Life is too precious. And so I kind of feel like, you know how I'm wired and Alexis, you're the same way. I mean, it's like, you know, it's all about copping cooper, you know, cooper, collab cooperating and things like that. And because of our size and again, I remember it was 230 in the morning, went from 51 likes to 52 likes on Facebook. And I was doing the happy day. I would take a bath at two in the morning. I'm like, I don't have my computer because I was the only one me for seven years tuned in 20 ish hours a day, seven days a week just and I'm not a writer and these messages were pouring out of me. So to, to get back to your question, if you're feeling like you, something's not right. We gotta trust our, our GPS, our internal feelings. We just got to trust our gut if you will. Absolutely.

And, and that is true. If you know communities evolve, they change, right? And so you all want to be gauging for yourself, whether you're a member or you're leading to make sure, OK. Does this feel good? Is this energizing me or is this something that's draining me? Which of course is going to be too expensive because your energy is precious, your time is precious. So again, making sure that you're maximizing your impact by being part of a community that energizes you, gives you that fulfillment where you're actually taking action, you're doing something about it.

You're not just in an echo chamber talking about things because that also is not what we're here about today. Today, we're here about communities that are gonna take action, recognize that and then decide for yourself. Is this something I continue with? Is it something I move to a different community? Is it something we discuss with the community to try to, you know, make sure the community can evolve together? Maybe you're not the only one in the community who's feeling that way. You know, these are the things that you want to create a safe environment. And in order to do that one recommendation we have for um this is to make, make sure your tenants for your community are clear. What is it that unites us? What do we all agree upon and how we behave and what our expectations are? Because you can always come back to that when things are in the gray area or you know, might be going a little bit off those tenants and you can come back to those tenants, you could you enforce them and make sure people feel confident and secure that, ok, this is still the way we all look at something together or we'll approach it or you could even have the tenants evolve if you in the conversation evolve.

So we want you to understand this is an important quote really to remind you of when you feel something that's off, trust it and address it one way or another. And um, hopefully this resonates with you as you've participated in communities and, and hopefully go out and create some real impact. So this one is where it really starts to get exciting, I think for us you've got, now you went from 51 likes to now millions of likes Vicky. I mean, that is mind boggling and the fact that you did it organically at a time before it was even influence or was even a thing like you did it from such a place of authenticity alone. We can do so little together, we can do so much. Now, this is a famous quote from Helen Keller, but it really resonated with what we wanted to talk about next. I mean, now you've got this incredible like minded community. Imagine what all the moms could do if they really thought together.

That's where I live. And that's why for us helping each other out. So we see where our needs are and Alexis especially, I know this is not our top of it, but the work you do to help women get funded too. And that hole is huge because this is really about mobilizing moms for the greater good. So it's not only helping moms in your community, in your neighborhood, it's in your, it's, it's incredible the difference we can make for each other. I've had moms jump on and I, you know, they'd let us know about, you know, their divorce before and I tell you sure your husband's like, not, doesn't have access to Joy Mom. They'll be writing their kids names, their addresses in Facebook. And I'm like, delete it or I'm gonna delete that after they were like Vicky. It's Joy mom. I'm like, it's not, it's Facebook feeling of trust and it's an amazing and awesome responsibility, honor and privilege. But ladies, we can do so much together and it could be two people. It doesn't have to be 3 million people.

No, no, that's how it starts. And I think um that's gonna lead so beautifully into our, our next thing and one thing I wanted to add, but while we were on this slide is you're absolutely right. Right. This is where the safe zone, the platforms you choose the environments you choose. Um We transact, we're innovation platform. So we're very conscientious about having these secure safe zones, privacy of emails and things like that. So users are saying, OK, who wants to have access to my information and then I give them permission. So there's lots of tools available out there. Um But you do want to be aware what is public, what is in a group who's seeing it because yes, we could do so much. Yes, we find these like minded can give sometimes a false sense of security. So be savvy uh be united and, and also look out for each other. It's kind of like the neighborhood watch, you know, keep everybody safe together so that we don't jeopardize anyone uh in the group along the way.

And you'll find that everybody's truly like mama bears for each other. Like,

yeah, it's, you know, this is something that is really great. It leads right into. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. And of course, as Martin Luther King Junior, not our quote, but so important. You were saying it could just be two people. It could just be one thing today, signing a petition over while you're chatting about the problem. Anything you can do to just take one step, that's all it is. It, it doesn't have to be a big project or overwhelming. Um, and that's something we definitely want to share. So how does that, you know, what does that mean to your moms? Are there anything we've got a couple minutes here at the end, um, about how you take it one step at a time. Uh, I

am a big believer in lists, whether your list is in your notes on your computer, in a journal. And I love to break everything down because it really can feel and be overwhelming. I think a natural order what moms need most are other moms and to be able to talk about how they took their first step, what do they do? What are things to avoid at some pro time, I'll probably write a book on what to avoid because I always felt that with it many things happened and I couldn't have been more careful, you know, from everything, checking everything to checking my gut, but things happen, you know, especially we're on your, you're on this mission.

We're relentless, you know, as entrepreneurs as everybody is here, um, you know, wanting to be involved in, you know, with the technology community, et cetera. And I'm sure so many of us also truly care about making a difference, especially the way the world is today. And so um whatever that is, that sense of accomplishment, make it. So it is something doable. We're gonna be launching something in a few months and it was impossible. And it took me nine months to chase down to get the right for a big social impact thing we're gonna be doing and I wouldn't stop. It's a little scary, you know, that feeling taking those little steps because you feel so much better. I did this, I could do this, I

feel that confidence each step and on the clothes because I know we are, you know, there's so much to cover here. So definitely check out our bitly link that we've shared for you. One uh resource we also shared was the United Nations Impact Goals, which are the sustainable impact goals. So basically, every societal problem in the world has been identified, researched and this is a great way to say, ok, what resonates with you, what do you care about? And hopefully this will start your journey on finding then groups that you can take action with or even take action on your own as an individual and bring one friend in and do one thing today. So, thank you so much. We are at our time for today, we are always available, feel free to reach out to us via email, linkedin. We'll share everything here for you and of course, the resources that we've shared, we look forward to hearing about what action you took today and please share your stories and tag us.

Thank you. I'm echoing everything Alexis. I just feel like I want us to connect with everybody who's out here. I'm like busy typing as we're talking. We so appreciate you guys. And I think um you know, at the very beginning, somebody put a connector, a Kish. I don't know, I apologize if I'm saying your name wrong, but any way that we could help you all in your journey, I've read, I believe every comment on here and each one is more really meaningful than the next Oh Good election. You put your linkedin. So get a hold of us. We could do a group chat at some time, a zoom something. So

you have an amazing resource. Vicky has, has an invite for you. We are here to help you make this successful, to take that first step, there's nothing too little and nothing too big that we can't do together. So thank you for tuning in. We're hope this added some value and we look forward to seeing what we all accomplish in the upcoming year. Thank you all, everyone

take care. Bye.