Value of Exceptional Digital Experiences by Mona Champaneri

Automatic Summary

The Power of Exceptional Digital Experiences: Navigating the Digital Transformation World

Hi everyone, I'm Mona Chri, an authority in the experience design and delivery world. With over a decade of experience working with top brands like McDonald's, Goldman Sachs, and United Airlines, my primary focus has been digital transformation. But what exactly does it mean and how does it impact customer experience? Let's explore.

Understanding Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is a popular buzzword yet it's often misunderstood. In essence, it encapsulates the way businesses use digital technologies to create or modify existing processes or customer experiences. Its ultimate goal is to meet changing business or market needs. However, the customer is at the heart of it all. After all, the first question is always, who is the customer? Who are we serving, and how are we reaching them? This implies the need to offer exceptional digital experiences.

Why Exceptional Digital Experiences Matter?

Contrary to popular belief, customers do not think of interactions with a brand as channels. Whether they are buying from a website or a mobile app, the focus is on the transaction itself rather than the means. Customers expect seamless experiences that allow them to hop from one channel to another effortlessly - this is referred to as an omni channel experience.

How to Improve Digital Experiences?

To foster seamless interactions, we must consider one important question: How do we do this correctly, better, and more frictionlessly? It's not a one-size-fits-all approach, but here are four basics to keep in mind:

1. Know Your Customer

  • Understand their persistent pain points.
  • Know how to cater to their needs in the most efficient and effective manner possible.
  • 2. Understand the Customer's Journey

  • Understand how customers engage with your digital platforms.
  • Cater to their needs at every touchpoint.
  • 3. Know Your Customers Personally

  • Personalize every interaction
  • Make customers feel unique and appreciated.
  • 4. Listen to Customer Feedback

  • Listen to and learn from the feedback provided.
  • Use feedback to continuously improve the customer experience.
  • At the end of the day, buying is an experience, not just a transaction. People choose to buy from certain brands because they provide a memorable, unbeatable experience.

    The Role of Data in Customer Experience

    Data forms the backbone of understanding and improving customer experiences. It's about balancing the "X's" and "O's".

    The 'X' refers to the experience data - understanding how the customer feels during the interaction. This involves identifying pain points, successes, and preferences, all of which could vary based on the customer persona.

    The 'O', operational data, points to the actions taken when they engage with your website - where the drop-offs occur and where customers journey through the purchase process.

    Merging these two types of data can give businesses an upper hand, resulting in improved personalization and customer journeys.

    The Impact of Experience on ROI

    Experience clearly influences bottom line. 62% of customers say they share bad experiences with others. This suggests that a single bad experience could potentially deter a customer from returning. Additionally, 57% of customers have stopped buying from a company because a competitive brand offers a better experience.

    On the positive side, 72% of customers say they share good experiences with others, and 67% of customers are willing to pay more for a great experience. Thus, experience can indeed be the game changer for businesses, compelling customers to move from being anonymous to advocates.

    In Conclusion

    The world is steadily moving towards digital experiences, making it imperative for brands to adapt and innovate. As consumers become more tech-savvy, offering exceptional digital experiences can set your brand apart, fostering loyalty and driving business growth.

    Feel free to reach me on Linkedin if you have any queries on how to elevate your digital experience. As the head of experience at Kinon Cara, I am passionate about helping businesses turn their customers from anonymous users into brand advocates.

    Video Transcription

    My name is Mona Chri. Um I've been in the experience design and uh delivery world for the last gosh decade. Um And I've really been through the rigor around uh consulting.I've worked at some amazing brands mcdonald's, uh you know, Kellogg's redbox, SG Johnson, and then a lot of fintech brands too, like um BB and T Wilmington, trust things, fintech that you haven't heard of really. Um and um the big names like uh Goldman Sachs and United Airlines and et cetera. So we've done a lot of digital transformation work for them and I know that's a buzzword and I know it's difficult to understand what digital transformation means. Um And so what I wanted to explain to you today was what is the value of customer experience because that many times leads to uh digital transformation right at the end of the day, who is a customer who are we serving? And how are we getting to them? That's the digital transformation that we want to make sure that happens. And then the topic that we're specifically looking at today is what is the value of exceptional digital experiences, right? Um So customers, if you think about it. They don't really think of interacting with a brand as channels, right? You don't think I'm going to log into their website and buy something versus I'm gonna log in through their mobile app and buy something.

    Um as a consumer, you're really not focused on channels, you're focused on the transaction itself, right? We as consumers expect things to be seamless and jump from one channel to another as part of our overall experience, right? If I'm logged into your website and I see what's in my cart and then I log into your website through my app and or through your app, I should see what's in my cart, right? That is a connective experience. Um So we also refer to those connective experiences as an omni channel experience and I'm probably telling you guys what you already know because I can't really interact with you. I'm so used to zoom where I could hear people's feedback immediately. Um So definitely leverage the chat if you feel like you wanna talk about omni channel a bit more, but omni channel is really the entire experience you have with that brand and um and making sure that you're the center of attention. Um So how do we do this correctly? How do we do it better? How do we do it more seamlessly frictionless? Um So there's several ways you can do it. Um But what I really want to challenge you guys is to think about where have you seen it done well? And why was it done? Well? Um So I'm gonna take a quick pause. Maybe you can work out the kinks of this.

    Um share while you guys think of uh a good experience with a brand that you've had. Uh let's say one minute, feel free to use the session chat. Oh, there's no feedback. Ok. Well, I will, I will throw one out there. Um I, like I said, I'm a consultant so I travel a lot. Um And when I travel, I use ride sharing platforms, you know, I was going between, oh, there they come. Ok. Well, I'll get to those. Let me finish my story real quick. So um um I was using ride sharing platforms between Uber and Lyft. And every time I went to um on a trip, I was debating which one to use a lot of times the differentiator was the price because both of them were comparable. Both of them got me to where I needed to go. Um But when Uber started to use data to provide a better experience for me. That's when I ended up becoming more of an advocate for Uber. What do I mean by that? Well, the way they used my data was they would track uh where I was going. So if I was landing in Philadelphia and I was staying at the, the Marriott in uh Wilmington, then they, every time I landed in Philadelphia and I opened up the Uber app. They would say, are you going back to the Marriott in Wilmington? Should we call a ride for that for that location? It was so seamless. It's almost like they predicted where I needed to go before I even thought of it.

    And that type of seamless experience leveraging data really got me to become more of an advocate for that brand than um being a a consideration of that brand, right? So they really moved me further along. Um some other chats that are coming in are Air Canada flight details, right? So they're surfacing the data you need at the right time when you're flying, when you've got commotion happening and you cannot think through um all the details they're doing that thinking for you on someone said they've had a good experience with Amazon. So Amazon interestingly enough is in the design world, it's not the brand that we tend to look at as a uh a marquee brand in experience and I'll tell you why it's because their entire experience is honed in on the search. Right. Right. So how many times do you go to Amazon and you explore probably 20% of the time, the other 80% of the time you kind of know what you want, you're going into the search and you're typing it in and then you're browsing. So their predictability behavior is all based on the search. Now, once you've become an avid Amazon user and your search becomes more, hm measurable, more repetitive. Um Then they start to surface um things you might like, like based on your search patterns right on their home page.

    Uh But I have to tell you, I've been using Amazon for 12 years. Very avid avid user, never explore on their website. Um So I'd be curious to hear if others are exploring on discovering Etsy. Um Yeah, you know, Etsy is really a great um a great a brand that has leveraged their search correctly, but also has incorporated a lot of folks to um to go through that purchasing behavior and um they have a high purchase rate on their website as well. Um Some of the other data metrics that I want to share with you guys are, there's experience really impacts that bottom line. You know, like I said, the path to purchase is the path that we want most of our customers to go on. Um 62% of customers say that they share bad experiences with others, right? If you have one bad experience on a website or on a brand, what is the likelihood that you're actually gonna go back to that likelihood is low, correct? Because you are surfaced with so many other options that having to go back to the same brand doesn't always have to be the case, right? It we're past. Ok, thank you guys, apologies. Um Yeah, so 62 what I was saying is 62% of customers say that they have shared their bad experience with others. I am definitely gonna share my bad experience about this platform with others.

    Um 70 57% of customers have stopped buying from a company because a competitive brand has had a better experience, right? 57% that's one and two and you know, served back in the day. They used to say service is a differentiator, right? White glove service was such a big deal. But now experience is that service equivalent to that service. Um Another fact is 72% of customers say that they share the good experiences with others. Um How that's like the newer way of referrals, right? If you've got this um uh vendor that you work with or a contractor that you work with, wouldn't you be willing to pay slightly more to make sure that you've got that better experience? Um better, meaning someone's already been through it, someone, you know, someone you trust um has been through that experience and you rather that and it not be a perfect experience but knowing someone that's gone through it than trying something on your own or um just dealing with a co uh uh a vendor on your own.

    Um And then lastly of uh a data point that I wanted to share with you was 67% of customers say that they're willing to pay more for a great experience, right? So nowadays, experience is your differentiator period. Um So really working through how to make that better, how to make that exceptional for your clients is key. Um I work at Kinon Cara and I'm the head of experience and products there. And what we tell our clients is we are the support system to take their customers from anonymous to advocates and whatever you mean by that, there's certain steps that you have to influence your customer journey and always you start out with anonymous, someone's a stranger, they're discovering what you do, then they go into this consideration pattern, right?

    Where you're debating this brand, that brand or that brand, and you're, you're looking at all of the options available to you, whether they're through your independent research, youtube blogs, websites or it's word of mouth, you're still in that consideration phase. Um And then you're evaluating and there's definitely things that you do when you're evaluating, whether it's based on price, whether it's based on free shipping. I know that's a big differentiator for me um or quick shipping like two day shipping and that's where your Amazon really shines.

    Um So you're going through the evaluation period and everyone's evaluation um has different metrics that they leverage. Um But then once you've made your decision and you've purchased whatever element you're purchasing, um Then there's a whole slew of activities that need to happen that many brands forget about, right. It's retention, it's engagement it's, how do you bring that customer back?

    They've already had an experience with you. Let's make them an advocate. Let's impress them. Let's enthusiast enthuse them and then get them to share and become that advocate. Um, so it could be your crm that you're setting up. It could be loyalty programs. It could be community development.

    Um, it could be endorsements. Um, I know for one, I shop at some, um, stores that I'm not an actual consumer of them because I have kids. So my kids like this one store, American Eagle, they buy their clothes from there. I'm a 40 plus year old woman. I don't wear that stuff and, but they do send me coupons and so I encourage my kids to use those coupons because they're gonna shop there. Anyways, please go. Um When, when we've got this coupon. So I'm just gonna go with it. We've got four more minutes on. Oh, let's just keep going. Um Yeah, so the whole point there was um there, there's an inflection point from when you've reeled in the customer to keeping that customer because that is your lowest marketing uh cost is having your customers experience, do the marketing for you.

    Um Another way we look at uh experience is through data, right? I call it the XS and Os the X, meaning the experience data. How are you feeling when you're going through the experience? What is your human and behavior elements? What are your pain points. What frustrates you because these are subjective and they may not be similar for me versus you versus someone else. Um And these are the human elements. Um I fall into the genre of a 40 plus year old mother living in the suburbs, not everyone falls into that genre. Um So based on the persona that we are, what are our pain points? What are our successes and really understanding that experience data of your customer uh is a differentiator. The o is operational data. What is actually happening when they engage with your website? Where are the drop offs? Where are people going through the purchase flow and then deciding not to buy? Um And then when you combine the two X and O experience and operational data, that's where the magic happens. That's where you really understand who your customers are and what makes them tick and bringing these together is that game changer for you. Um And a lot of times improving how you personalize, improving their customer journey comes from the bonding of this, the knowledge of these two data elements. OK. So how do you actually improve your customer experiences? Uh So I've got four items that I really want you to consider.

    First know your customer, get that per uh persona together. Um Do you have the right audience? Um knowing your customer really allows you to tailor that experience for the way they think, right? Um know their persistent pain points across the experience that allows you to attend to those needs on the critical purchase path. Number two, know their journey, know how they're engaging with your website. Um Target is well known for knowing either user journey. If you go to, their navigation is remarkable. Um The way they segment what they sell into categories is how people actually think about what they sell and so know the journey, know how your um users are thinking, um know how they're navigating through your website.

    Um Really doing that subject of research um helps you, helps you really get that um understanding of the touch points. Um Those are really telling. So the key to understanding your experience if your experience is the right fit is to ask the right questions and present the right data at the right time. Um And that's part of that journey that your user is going through. Um And then third know them personally personalize every experience that your customer has make it feel as unique as they are, right? You want to feel like this brand knows you, you want to feel like this brand is your brand. So good CX Journey really finds a way to make sure that the customers needs are met, whether it's through their app, through, through any digital experience that they have through voice, um that they really understand who you are and they know you and that experience isn't broken.

    And finally know their feedback. Um A lot of times we are guilty of pushing things out into the market, just letting them live and then deciding, oh, we'll let it live for a while and then get their feedback. But there's an element of creating that feedback loop that's uh real time. Um Because we live in a world of agile delivery, right? We can make updates on the fly. So if we give users an opportunity to provide us feedback real time, we can take action real time. Um And users actually really appreciate being able to give feedback and companies reacting to that feedback. There's no more us than them anymore or them and us, it's it's we are looking to improve our overall experience and you are part of that experience, right? So how do you do that? It could be a simple star rating, it could be an interface, it could be a chat function and a lot of people are doing it through social media. And so there's so many different ways you can get that feedback loop opened up, but the key is open that up. Um So generally buying is an experience, right? It's not no longer a transaction. Uh If you want a transaction, you can go to any store you want. But why do people buy from certain brands? Um It's because they get that experience and they can talk about that experience and that experience is um luxurious. Um So that was it for my presentation today.

    Um I really appreciate you guys being here and I'm gonna throw my uh oh thank you, feel free to add me on linkedin. I'm gonna throw my full name out there. Um And so that you can reach out to me if you have any questions and happy to meet you one on one if you wanna talk about um how to elevate your experience. Uh We do this day to day for some of our biggest clients. Um So we would love to love to help you guys out as well. Thank you all.