What nobody told you about remote jobs

Automatic Summary

Unlocking the Secrets of Working Remotely: What Nobody Else is Telling You

Hi everyone, it's my pleasure to share my experience and knowledge about remote jobs with you. As a Career Coach specializing in finding remote jobs, I strive to reveal aspects of remote work that are seldom discussed. Let's dive into the truth about remote jobs, so you're fully prepared for your transition into a remote career.

Understanding Different Types of Remote Jobs

Not all remote jobs are the same, and it's important to clarify this upfront. Remote work can either be partial, where some days you might need to visit an office, or entirely remote where you work outside the office 100% of the time. There are also temporary remote working scenarios due to extraordinary circumstances like the Covid-19 pandemic. Your preferred type of remote work should align with your lifestyle, so it's important to choose wisely.

Negotiating Remote Work with Your Current Employer

Did you know that you can negotiate continuing to work remotely with your current company even after the pandemic? Try to formally negotiate this with your manager, demonstrating your productivity and effectiveness while working from home and how it benefits the company. But remember, in addition to explaining why it's better for you, emphasize the company's benefits as well.

Shifting from Traditional Job Applications

Gone are the days of merely submitting applications and hoping for the best. In today's fiercely competitive market, merely applying for job offers won't suffice. It's crucial to demonstrate your uniqueness and leverage your network and referrals from existing employees of the company.

Accessing the Hidden Job Market

Shockingly, as many as 80% of available positions are not posted online on job boards or LinkedIn. This so-called hidden job market contains many desirable positions, often with more scope for negotiation and flexibility. Networking and leveraging referrals are key to gaining access to these hidden opportunities.

Negotiating Your Salary

Another often overlooked aspect of remote jobs is that you can negotiate your salary. Furthermore, it's not just about the monthly pay but also the package of perks that come along with it. This can include equipment, trainings, unlimited vacation, and more. To be successful in your negotiations, understand the company's needs, know the industry standard for similar positions, and show why you're the best fit for the role.

Location Matters

The company's physical location, if they have one, can have significant implications for you. This can include restrictions due to different time zones, tax complications, or varying currencies. It's worth checking these details before applying for a remote job.

Starting with Your Experience

You don't need to start from scratch even if you're new to remote work. Use your professional background and experience to land a job in your current profession but in a remote setup. However, if you're looking to make a career change or your current job can't be done remotely, you may have to start with a junior position in your new field and work your way up.

Looking Beyond Big Name Companies

There are plenty of lesser-known companies that also offer great remote work opportunities. Don't limit your search to familiar or popular company names. Instead, explore various sources like LinkedIn, friends, online events, and specific job boards to learn more about opportunities in various companies.

Cleaning Up Your Online Presence

Keep in mind that your online profiles and resumes provide the first impression to potential employers. It's essential to have a professional cover letter and LinkedIn profile that reflects the best of your abilities and experiences.

Leveraging pandemic-induced remote work experience

Even if you have only worked remotely due to the pandemic, leverage this experience by highlighting it during your job applications and interviews.

In conclusion, if you implement these strategies, you'll be one step closer to transitioning seamlessly into finding remote jobs. Write down one action you can take tomorrow to bring you one step closer to your remote job.

To keep this conversation going, feel free to connect with me, Julian Ravi, via my website and social media. Thank you and good luck with your remote job search!

Video Transcription

Hi, everyone. I'm super happy to be here. It's my pleasure to be able to share a bit of my knowledge of my experience related to uh remote jobs and things that nobody told you about your remote uh jobs about remote jobs in general. Let me introduce myself first.My name is Julian Ravi. I am, um, background is in psychology and in hr and I currently work as a career coach specifically for people who want to land remote jobs. So this is what I want to share today. A bit of things that nobody told you about remote job, but you might want to know that if you're considering going remotely soon. So let's go for it. So, um, let's clarify some important ideas first. Let's stay on the same page here. So let's define what remote job means, right? There are different ways to define that. But, um, I would say that remote job for this presentation is any kind of job that can be done outside of the office. Ok. So just to, to make it easy still, it's not that simple and there are different kind of remote jobs. So some jobs they are partially remote. So some days you have to go to the office. Some days you can work from home or from anywhere. Some jobs, they are fully remote, so you can work 100% outside of the office and some jobs, that's a new thing that happened because of COVID.

Some people are working remotely temporarily just during COVID and once um the pandemic is a bit more under control, they will have to go back to the office. So it's kind of a temporarily remote job. So the point number one that I wanna share with you that nobody told you about remote jobs is that not all the remote jobs they are the same. You can um you should get clarity about which kind of remote job works better for you. So are you looking for a partially remote job? Do you, are you ok with going some days to the office and some days staying home or do you want a fully remote job that you can work from anywhere or are you ok? We working remotely for a couple of months more until the pandemic is better? So clarity is the key here. There is no wrong or right. And it's just that you should define which kind of remote work you want fully remotely, partially or just during the pandemic and the remote job you choose is going to support your lifestyle. And that's extremely important to talk about for me, career and lifestyle. Are like that, they are very connected because the job you have the career you have, will support the lifestyle. You have the way you live where you live. Uh, the schedule that you have, the people you, you relate to your personal and professional roles.

So it's extremely important to think about a remote job, not only as a job, but as something that will support all the other areas of your life. That's why it is so important to choose. Well, when you are going for a remote job aspect, number two, that nobody told you about remote jobs is that you can try to negotiate going remote with your current company. Yes, that's true. So let's imagine that your job now is not remote. Maybe you're temporarily working remotely because of COVID, but you want to keep working remotely once everyone goes back to the office. So did you know that this is an option? You can negotiate, you can at least try to negotiate with your company to keep working remotely even after the pandemic? That is a possibility and a lot of people are successful for doing that. So you better prepare for uh this um meeting or conversation with your manager when you request to keep working remotely. So prepare in advance, don't do this just like a casual talk while you're having coffee. Um prepare for that uh request a formal meeting. That's what I suggest and show results that you had while you're working from home. So proof demonstrate that you can be productive.

It can be a good employee even working from home because that's what you did during COVID show the benefits to the company can talk about your motivation about savings for them. So make it very clear for them also. And don't talk only about you. I want to work remotely. It's better for me. I don't want to commute. Talk also about the company which benefits the company will get if they allow you to keep working remotely after the pandemic. But this is not that you might want to consider if you're temporarily remote only during COVID and you want to keep working remotely in the same company after COVID. OK. Aspect number three, that nobody told you about remote jobs is that just applying for job offers won't help.

Let me say that again, just applying for job offers won't help. I don't know if you have heard this expression. It's pray and pray. But this is a funny way to refer to, you know, people who apply to several jobs and then they just sit and pray that it will work out. They don't do anything else. It's just applying for jobs. This technique is what most of people do, but it's not effective anymore. We are in 2021 things have changed. So instead of just applying for jobs and wait for the company to contact you, you should differentiate yourself from all the candidates. There are so many competitors, so many people apply for remote jobs right now. So it better be different. You better uh create a positive impact and also the network that you have and referrals. People that work in the company that can match your name will make a big difference. So, forget about just, oh, I'm applying for five jobs per day. I'm fine. Right. No, probably not. You need to do something more or one step behind. Uh above that aspect. Number four, that nobody told you about remote job, is that the hidden job market is real? Are you familiar with this concept of the hidden job market? Have you heard about it before?

The hidden job market is um the term used to define uh a real situation that is 80% of the positions available right now. 10th of June 2021 positions available, real positions out there. They are not posted anywhere. So you won't find those positions on linkedin on indeed or any job board, there are different reasons for that. We won't over it right now. But I want to tell you that most of the positions available, you won't find them posted anywhere but they exist. They are real and normally they are the best ones, the ones that you can negotiate a higher salary that you have more flexibility, the more strategic positions in the company. So it's extremely important that you have access to those positions. Because otherwise, if you just apply for jobs, you're competing with only 20% of the real position issues that exist, how to have access to this hidden job market, right? Well, as I mentioned before, networking is the key is the way to get there. And referrals also is the way to access the hidden job market. So remember that 80% of the positions you will never find them posted, but they exist and you can go for them if you know how to use your network and referrals. Also. Aspect number five, that nobody told you about remote jobs is that yes, you can negotiate your salary. Yes. Yes. Yes. This is a possibility. This is something you should take advantage of when you are in a um in a recruitment process.

First, you need to understand that there is the salary that the amount of money the company will will pay you every month, every two weeks. But also apart from the salary, there are the benefit that you can include in the seller negotiation. And when I say benefits for remote homes, for example, I listed a few of them and they are amazing in my opinion. So some of them, for example, you have to choose the equipment, the kind of computer, the headphones and all of that, that you want to work. Um some companies will pay for the trainings that you want to do. So if you want to get a certification or something you request and uh, the company will pay that for you. Some companies they will give you own imitated vacation. How cool is that right? You don't have a maximum amount of vacation per month, per year, sorry, per year. Uh, you can take as many holidays as you want as far as the work is done, obviously. So there are different benefits that you can also include into the negotiation. That is not only the salary, but my point here is you can negotiate your salary, don't just need to accept the offer. Um There are ways to negotiate the salary to increase the chance that you're gonna get what you want. And one of them, uh the initial one is that you understand uh deeply what the company needs, what is the problem that the person hired for that position is going to solve and then understand why you are the right person to do that and obviously demonstrate that to the company.

So show clearly why the right person to solve the problem that the company has then understand how much the market is paying for similar positions. So you do need to make some uh search in advance. So when you go for the salary negotiation, you know what other companies similar companies are paying for that position. So that gives you more power to negotiate and also be able to share real examples results, concrete stuff that demonstrate that confirm that you are a great candidate that you're the best candidate for the position and that you're gonna make a positive impact if you um are hired by the company.

So it's all about preparation. Don't just go for the salary negotiation like, oh, I don't know what to say. I just sit on the table and wait, you know, prepare yourself in advance because you increase the chances of getting a higher salary and more benefits. Number six, the location where the company is registered, uh or located if they have a physical office is also very important. It has a lot to do with you because imagine maybe the time zone will be different. Maybe you are in the US, uh the company in the US, you are in Asia. So you're gonna have a big time difference. And if you have to attend some meetings or um provide service to the clients, you might need to be in the same time zone that the company is requested also for tax purposes. Some companies, they won't hire people from even to work remotely, but to uh from different countries because of the tax is very complicated. They're not willing to do taxes in different countries. So you need to know that in advance also the salary. So if it's an American company, they might pay dollars if it's an Indian company that you're gonna pay um in the local money.

So you need to also see if it makes sense for you, the kind of currency that you're gonna get paid and it has a lot to do with where the company is located. So check all those things in advance. Uh Even before, if possible before applying for the job, understand where the headquarter or where is the company registered to see if it makes sense to you to go for it. Number seven of the things that nobody told you about seller negotiation, you don't need to start from scratch. You don't need to go only for junior positions. I understand. If you tell me Juliana, I'm new to this remote work environment. It's gonna be my first remote job. I don't have experience in this area. But hey, listen to me, you are a professional, you have a career, you have ST you have a background. So you do have a lot of things on your backpack that you can bring to the table even if you never work remotely. So use your background, use your previous experience to um make the most of this, of this experience and try to find a job that is related to your area of expertise. This is the easiest way to start a remote career yet. What are you doing right now?

The the job you have the profession you have or something you did in the past and check if you can do that thing, that profession, that job in a remote environment. That's the easiest way. So you bring everything that, you know, already and you just do the job remotely. Another option is if, um, some people want to change careers, they want to start, they, they want to start a brand new career or they, the job they do or the experience they have actually cannot be done remotely. So, in this case, yes, you're gonna need to start from scratch. So probably gonna need to do some training, um study, learn and most likely start in a more junior position. So remember that junior positions, they will pay you less than if you had senior positions. So just understand before you start from scratch, start, uh signing up for courses, go back to the university and all of that, see if what you do right now can be done remotely. Number eight of the things that nobody told you about remote jobs, you can also see remote companies that you have never heard about. Yeah, those ones that you're like you ever heard about this company, it can still be a good option for you.

I'm sure that there are some remote companies that come to your mind right now, right when you're talking about it, maybe, you know, two or three of them and that's great. But the remote world environment, the companies, they are much more out there. So especially if you're just starting, just thinking about going remote. Don't go just for the big companies. The one that every one talks about because first of all, there will be more competitors. So if anyone knows about that company, more people will apply for jobs in that company.

So keep open to get to know more remote companies. But, but how to do that. Right. Especially if you're new. I have no idea how can I know about the companies that hire remote? I have four ways to do that. One is you on linkedin. It's a free tool you can put um in the job that when you go on jobs on linkedin to search for jobs, add your job title, the job title you're looking for and then in location instead of putting a place, just write remote and click on the search and you're gonna find all the companies that are highly remote at the moment.

So that's a way to get familiar with that. Ask your friends if you have friends that are working remotely at the moment. Ask them. Hi. Where do you work? Uh How is working there? Uh Do you know all the companies that hire for a similar position? So talk to people who are already working remotely, attend online events like this one and others that uh people uh that are in the event might be working remotely so you can search where they work and you add that to your list. And then of course, you can uh check specific job boards for remote jobs. I mentioned some here that are much more, but just gather all this information and make your own list. So you have more options of remote companies to apply for number nine, take care of your online presence. So linkedin is extremely important, your resume or your curriculum, the cover letter. So people will check that. Ok, don't think they want because they will. And then the question is, is it reflecting the best version of you? So linkedin cover letter resume is a still very important. So take care of that. And number 10, even uh if you work from home, only during the pandemic, use this experience on your own benefits. So make sure you mention that work from home work remotely during the pandemic. This is something you do want to highlight on linkedin on your resume, men on the job interview.

So make sure you make the most of that because you did work remotely even if it was for a short period of time. But let's talk about it, right. Let's highlight about that. And now to finish, I know I spoke a lot of things here. Think about one action, one single thing that you can apply tomorrow to make your job, search for remote jobs easier to get closer to it. So write down one action one thing, one idea that you want to implement tomorrow to get things started because otherwise you're just talking here and we don't implement and then you want to see the results So one action that you can apply tomorrow to get you closer to your remote jobs.

That's it. Our time is very short. I hope I could add value to you. I would love to keep in contact. So my name is Julian Rabi to be a coach for remote jobs. If you go to my website Julian rait.com, you can find almost my social media links. I would love to connect to keep this conversation further, talking to you through linkedin, through email and, and all of that. So thank you very much and yeah, I'll talk to you soon. Thank you. Thank
